Data Science Masters

Two short essays and a video statement are required in your application. These are an opportunity to demonstrate your unique profile as a candidate for the Master of Science in Data Science program at the University of Washington. Your essays and video play an important role in our holistic admissions process, and we expect that they are your own original work.

Essay 1: Communication and Inclusion (400 words maximum)

The MS in Data Science program is committed to developing a community of Data Scientists who will apply communication and collaboration techniques to promote diversity, equity, belonging and access. Please demonstrate your communication skills by describing a specific time you promoted equity and belonging through collaboration and communication techniques.

Essay 2: Data Visualization (500 words maximum)

The UW MS in Data Science program places a premium on strong communication skills. In addition to excellent quantitative abilities, good Data Scientists must be able to communicate their findings in a way that makes them meaningful to a variety of different audiences. Please choose one of the data communication examples on the linked page, and address the following three prompts:

1. When might you use this type of data communication?
2. How does the communication method address bias?
3. What accessibility concerns might you have about this communication method?

Video Statement

This is your opportunity to speak to us directly. In a video of 90 seconds or less, please respond to the following prompt:

Review the information about the MS in Data Science program provided on our website. Describe what strengths you will bring to the program and what an MSDS degree will enable you to do that you would be unable to do otherwise. You may consider any of our program elements but please be specific. This should not be a general statement of purpose, but rather a specific discussion of this program and how it might change the trajectory of your life.

Think of this as answering an interview question via Zoom, not producing an edited video. We are not evaluating production quality at all, we just need to be able to hear and see you clearly.