Completing Service Requests
EZ Service Request
The EZ version of the ScorePak@ Service Request has been developed for use by instructors who want basic scoring services. Job details, contact information, and handling procedures are the same as on the standard ScorePak® Service Request. However, this form does not provide for special scoring instructions, other than assignment of a Bonus field score name. A basic set of reports is generated that include:
- 3 separate rosters – one ordered by last name, one ordered by last 4 digits of student number, and one ordered by high to low score
- frequency distribution
- item analysis
If you would like each student to receive a summary of their answers along with the correct answer, check “Individual Student Reports.”
Job Details, Contact Information
This information is critical for timely processing of your job. To prevent delays, please indicate the best way to reach your contact person (ie. cell phone, home phone, available by email).
Handling Procedures
Indicate the manner in which you would like materials to be returned to you and whether you need express service (3 hour turn-around).
Special Scoring Instructions
You may request that we combine or manipulate student scores using algebraic score transformations to modify individual test scores or compute course grades.
Reports and Data Files
ScorePak® can create a wide variety of reports.