Office of Educational Assessment

Assessment and Evaluation

The Office of Educational Assessment (OEA) promotes improvement of educational practice at the University of Washington by supporting assessment of teaching and learning at the level of the classroom, academic program, college/school, and institution. In addition, OEA provides evaluation services for external research grants through various funding agencies and foundations (e.g., NSF, NIH, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation).

OEA research scientists are trained in quantitative and qualitative social science research methods.  They provide expertise through consulting and conducting applied research and evaluation studies for internal and external stakeholders of UW.

OEA Assessment and Evaluation Services

Assessment services for academic departments and co-curricular programs

  • Articulating goals for student learning, including course-based goals and goals for majors (see Assessment in the Majors) and co-curricular learning outcomes.
  • Identifying and carrying out direct and indirect methods for assessing those goals, such as curricular maps, surveys for graduating seniors, focus groups of majors, interview studies, and portfolio assessment.
  • Assessing experimental courses.
  • Analyzing and reporting assessment results.
  • Using course evaluation data in making decisions relating to faculty merit, promotion, and tenure.
  • Designing and conducting student surveys, including developing and administering questionnaires, sampling students, and analyzing and reporting responses. OEA also maintains the UW survey website coordinating administration of large-scale student surveys.

Evaluation services for grant-funded research and programs

  • Serving as external evaluators and research consultants for externally funded grants focusing on educational interventions and programs that support student learning and growth. Recent grants we have evaluated and/or supported include:

Course evaluations

  • Inform faculty members about student perceptions of their classes singly and over time
  • Provide chairs and deans with student ratings data to inform decisions relating to curricular development and faculty merit, promotion, and tenure.

Surveys about the student experience, including:

University-wide studies that assess teaching, learning and student outcomes, such as: