Note: If you connect a SAGE Budget to your Grant Runner application when using the RR Detailed Budget, the system will automatically add periods and data to the RR Detailed Budget form. The form will become read-only, except for the link to add the Budget Justification attachment. In addition, a link to the Sponsor Budget Map page will appear on the left navigation menu. The Sponsor Budget Map shows how your SAGE Budget data flows into the RR Detailed Budget form.
The information on this page covers an application without a connected SAGE Budget.
Section A: Senior/Key Persons
In this section, you need to include all of the senior or key research personnel.
Select Add New Key Person to add a row to the section. Complete the following fields.
Use the multiple field entry to add name information. Only the first and last names are required (indicated by the red outline).
Once you add the name information, the page will shift to displaying the name followed by “(edit)”. Click on the name to make any necessary changes.
Project Role
Use the text box to enter the appropriate role for each person entered.
Note: For the Detailed Budget, you must add at least one person with the specific role of “PD/PI” in each budget period. The first person you list with that role must match the PI listed on the SF 424 form. If the PI for the eGC1 is different than the PI for the Grant Runner application, use the Application PI role type on the eGC1 PI, Personnel, & Organizations page. The first PD/PI you list must then match the Application PI’s information. The match is based on first and last name only.
Commonly used roles are:
Post Doctoral
Post Doctoral Associate
Post Doctoral Scholar
Graduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Other Professional
Base Salary
Enter the base salary for each person listed. This field is not required.
Calendar, Academic, and Summer Months
Use these columns to indicate the amount of time each person will be working on the project for this budget period. Some amount of effort is required. Enter either the number of calendar months or a combination of academic and summer months.
For example, the first three rows below have valid entries. The last one is not valid, as indicated by the red outline, because there are values in all three columns.
Requested Salary, Fringe Benefits
Enter the amount of salary and any fringe benefits requested for each person listed. These are required fields, but the value may be zero.
Funds Requested
This final column is automatically calculated and is the sum of the Requested Salary and Fringe Benefits values. The field is displayed as read-only.
Delete Link
A Delete link displays at the far right of the table for each person listed. Use this link to completely remove the data for that person. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
SAGE will calculate the value for the “Total Funds for Key Persons” field.
Once you have added 8 key personnel, the Add New Key Person button can no longer be selected and the message “Maximum allowable by the Sponsor has been reached” will display. A link to add an attachment for any additional personnel will appear, as shown in the following image.
Section B: Other Personnel
In this section, include the other general categories of personnel who will be working on the research. The form automatically includes the first four Project Roles. You can also add other categories of personnel by clicking on the Add New Other Personnel button.
This example shows an added row for a Data Analyst.
You can add up to 6 additional rows for other personnel types. Once you have added 6 rows, the Add New Other Personnel button can no longer be selected and the explanation “Maximum allowable by the Sponsor has been reached” will display.
Number of Personnel
Use this field to indicate how many individuals are in this role.
Project Role
There are 4 fixed roles built into the form.
Calendar, Academic, and Summer Months
As in Section A, use these columns to indicate the total amount of time this group of people will be working on the project for this budget period. Some amount of effort is required. Enter the total number of calendar, academic, and summer months.
Requested Salary, Fringe Benefits
Enter the total amount of salary and any fringe benefits requested for this group of people. These are required fields, but the value may be zero.
Funds Requested
This final column is automatically calculated and is the sum of the Requested Salary and Fringe Benefits values. The field is displayed as read-only.
Delete Link
A Delete link only displays (at the far right of the table) for custom personnel roles. Use this link to completely remove the data. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.
SAGE will calculate the values for the Total Number of Personnel and the Total Other Personnel Costs ($) fields. is migrating their infrastructure to the cloud. This migration includes changes to their security protocols required for system-to-system solutions like SAGE Grant Runner. Grant Runner has been updated to redirect opportunity lookup and submissions to their new cloud environment, and to comply with the required security updates.
There are no new Grant Runner features being released with this update, and no user impact is expected.
Bug Fix: SAGE Performance Issues Due to Status Check Batch Job
An update has been made to a status checking component of SAGE to consolidate the calls to and improve performance issues reported by users.
SAGE Suite-Wide
Technical Updates – Transition to New Developer Tools
As part of an ongoing effort to improve the SAGE infrastructure, modernize the technology, and streamline the technical work, we are releasing updates that better manage the code used for developing our user interfaces. This update will provide developers with better tools for test automation and code compartmentalization by business area. The result is an increase in our ability to release more quickly and with higher confidence in code quality.
Adjustments to FCOI Labels
As sponsors of all types have matured their financial conflict of interest (FCOI) policies, more have come into alignment with the rules originally adopted by Public Health Service (PHS) sponsors. Terminology across SAGE that previously referred to “PHS Training” has been updated to “FCOI training” to avoid confusion about proposals and awards with non-PHS sponsors.
New Funding Action (FA) fields added to SAGE API for GCA Budget Setup
The following fields have been added to the SAGE API, allowing GCA significant time saving in their budget setup automation work.
FA Number
Prepared By
Approved By
F&A Explanation
Disposition of Balance
Intellectual Property
Frequency of Report
Final Report
Following this SAGE API release, MyResearch squirrel will be updated so that GCA can fully access the FA data for budget setup automation (MyResearch release timing TBD).
Budget Connection Issues Resolved
The following issues with budgets that are connected to eGC1s have been resolved:
Bad routing state caused by having a budget connected to a second eGC1
Linked budgets not opening correctly on non-editable eGC1
SAGE Budget
Minor Polish Updates
From the budget list, you can now right click on the budget title and it will open in a new tab.
When adding personnel costs, the new row is now added to the top of the salary and benefits table for greater visibility.
When viewing budget history snapshots, the banner text has been reworded for added clarity.
SAGE Grant Runner
Sponsor Budget Map Ordering
A minor issue with personnel ordering on the Sponsor Budget Map has been fixed.
Grant Runner validation and usability improvements
Award Signature update for RRF
Addition of optional WIAP column in SPAERC tasklist
SAGE Approval Graph
Export Control added as “Watcher” on Applications with Foreign Entity Involvement
An Export Control “Watcher” node will automatically be added to the eGC1 approval graph when one or both of the following data-related Non-Fiscal Compliance questions are marked “Yes”:
D-2. Is the project intended to assist a foreign country’s military or space activities?
D-4. Will the project involve travel to or collaboration with a person or entity in a sanctioned country (e.g., Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria)?
Once the application reaches “In OSP” status, an automatic Export Control hold is applied to the application. OSP can manually remove the hold.
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Select Agents Reviewer Update
Previously, EH&S Select Agents were listed as approvers when “Select Agents and Toxins” were chosen on the Non-Fiscal Compliance section (EHS-1) of an application. Now, EH&S Select Agents are listed as “Watchers” who will receive notice of the application, but are not required to take action. The select agents and toxins description has also been updated to remove the text “EH&S approval of this eGC-1 is required due to federal regulations.”
The following image shows an approval graph with the both the Export Control watcher and the EH&S Select Agents watcher.
SAGE Grant Runner
Validation Update
An ORIS implemented validation on the Grant Runner Research Plan form has been removed to align with the NIH validation. The Progress Report Publication List or Progress Report will no longer have an ORIS validation on Renewal and Resubmission applications. If the attachment is required by the NIH, users will still see an NIH validation when they run a “Check for Errors” on their application.
Help Links and Guidance Updates
A help link has been added to the RR Subaward Budget and the PHS Human Subjects & Clinical Trials Study forms. Detailed instructions will guide Chrome users through the steps of downloading and opening the editable forms. The following image shows part of the form and the help instructions.
RRF Funding Actions No Longer Require an Award Signature
When RRF is listed as the sponsor, the Award Signature field now defaults to “Not Required.” The field will still be editable when the FA is “In OSP” status.
Washington Innovation Advantage Program (WIAP) Column Available on Task List
A new column can be optionally displayed on the SPAERC task lists for Funding Actions and Admin Actions The column will display the value selected in the WIAP field (Yes, No, blank). Users can sort the task list by that column. The following image shows the Funding Actions task list with the WIAP column highlighted.
New School of Medicine watcher on the eGC1 Approval graph
The School of Medicine will now be included as a Watcher on the eGC1 approval graph when any of the following Interdisciplinary Organization Units reviewers have been selected on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page of the eGC1:
Radiology Services
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI)
Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD)
The following image shows an approval graph with CHDD added and the School of Medicine watcher node.
SAGE Budget
Accessibility improvements and bug fixes
Accessibility improvements were made to all type-ahead search features in SAGE Budget. Now users who solely use a keyboard can fully navigate those features.
In addition some minor bugs were identified and fixed:
Special characters no longer cause errors in the type-ahead searches
The F&A base type for subawards has been removed from the Budget Summary totals table
Currency fields now display the zeros to the right of the decimal point
Budget titles that exceed the maximum length no longer cause errors
SAGE Grant Runner
Sponsor Budget Map issue with custom roles resolved
An error that occurred on the Sponsor Budget Map when a user entered a custom role in the Other Personnel section that exactly matched a Key Personnel role has been resolved. Users can now enter any custom role for Other Personnel.
Award Signed Date
A new Award Signed Date field has been added to FAs, NAAs, and PACs. This field is intended to capture the date when the last signature needed for the agreement was obtained. The field will require the user to either enter a date or select “Not Required” prior to approval for all new agreements. This adds a valuable data point for award reporting, and will be used by the School of Medicine and Clinical Trials Office to verify that agreements have been signed prior to enlisting participants in clinical trials studies.
The following image shows the new fields on a Funding Action.
Updated list of Countries and States on Grant Runner Forms has updated their country and states list on forms version 3.0. Currently NIH does not have any opportunities using forms version 3.0 but they do have plans to use this form set in late Fall 2020. Proactively, we have updated Grant Runner forms version 3.0 to display the new country and state codes. Users will not see this change until NIH releases the opportunities using the new forms version. The updated forms are:
SF 424
Performance Sites
R&R Key Person Expanded form
PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Inclusion Enrollment form
Updates to Grant Runner Forms F
Some minor updates to Forms F were made including improving some validations and updating the expiration dates on the following forms:
PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental form
PHS Fellowship Supplemental form
PHS Assignment Request form
PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement
PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Inclusion form
SAGE Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Grant Runner HSCT exemption numbers not clearing
Subaward form not allowing new lines in Internet Explorer
eGC1 Contacts & Access page conflicts with connected Budget contacts
Improve Visibility to FCOI Review Required
“ Review Required” has been bolded on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page in SPAERC to make it easier for OSP reviewers to see.
Bug Fixes
The FA Current Amount was not displaying in the cycle details for applications connected to a current (V2) budget.
Returned eGC1s connected to a current (V2) budget were uneditable.
Bug Fixes
From the OHN view, some details were not displayed in read-only mode.
SAGE Budget
Remove Worksheet Filter from Budget Summary Page
During internal testing, a minor variance was found in how rounding was applied to budget totals on the Summary when the worksheet filter feature was used. To avoid any discrepancies while further work is done on that feature, the worksheet filter has been temporarily removed from the Summary page.
The expiration date for every form has been updated to 02/28/2023
PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement
Added new Human Fetal Tissue Section with the question: Does the proposed project involve human fetal tissue obtained from elective abortions?
If answered Yes, two new attachments are requested
1. HFT Compliance Assurance
2. HFT Sample IRB Consent Form
Renumbered form fields, as needed
PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental Form
Added new attachment titled “Description of Candidate’s Contribution to Program Goals” to the Environment and Institutional Commitment to Candidate Section
Renumbered form fields, as needed
PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form
Added new attachment titled “Description of Candidate’s Contribution to Program Goals” to the Institutional Environment and Commitment to Training Section
Renumbered form fields, as needed
PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information
Reworked the form summary page to require an answer and supporting explanation (if applicable) for the question “Does any of the proposed research in the application involve human specimens and/or data?” for all applications
Study record changes
Defaulted Clinical Trial Questionnaire question “1.4.a Does the study involve human participants?” to Yes, since study records are only available when the answer to the “Are Human Subjects Involved?” question on the R&R Other Project Information form is Yes
Separated “Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Children” attachment into two attachments – “Inclusion of Individuals Across the Lifespan” and “Inclusion of Women and Minorities”
Renamed “Enrollment of First Subject” field to “Enrollment of First Participant”
Added “Inclusion Enrollment Report Title” field to the Inclusion Enrollment Report
Removed “Brief Summary” attachment
Renamed “Narrative Study Description” attachment to “Detailed Description”
Added a new question and checkbox – “Is this an applicable clinical trial under FDAAA?”
Renumbered form fields, as needed
PHS Assignment Request form
Clarified instruction text displayed on form
Changed several field labels
Removed fields
Do Not Assign to Awarding Components
Do Not Assign to Study Sections
Added “Rationale for assignment suggestions” text box
The Sponsor Budget Map page will initially show where the SAGE Budget expenses will appear, by default, on the RR Detailed Budget.
The following table is a quick reference of which codes map to which sections of the GR Detailed Budget form. For full details view the Grant Runner Sponsor Budget Map article.
In order to give reviewers/approvers better visibility to the application’s sponsor deadline, the deadline now appears on the Approval Graph in the Application Details section.
PI Assurance Statement Updated with Multiple PI Guidance
The Assurance Statement for Principal Investigators on eGC1s has been updated to include a statement guiding them on their responsibilities for ensuring Multiple PIs from external organizations provide proper assurance, in compliance with federal regulations. The newly included verbiage reads as follows, and is visible on the Certify and Route page when the PI is logged in, and on their approval page when they have not yet noted their assurance:
If this is a multiple PI application, I understand that if I am the eGC1 PI, my approval of the eGC1 indicates I have obtained written assurances from external PIs named in this application that include this Non-UW Multiple PI Assurance Statement.
Application PI Added to Priority Email Notifications
When an eGC1 contains personnel with the Application PI role, the Application PI will now receive the following email notifications to ensure they are alerted to important changes:
Final Sponsor Documents Required for eGC1 – reminder email for deadlines sent if eGC1 has not been marked “Ready to Submit”
eGC1 Returned by Reviewer (campus reviewer) – to inform owners their submitted eGC1 has been returned by a campus reviewer
eGC1 Returned by Reviewer (OSP) – to inform owners their submitted eGC1 has been returned by OSP
eGC1 Received at OSP – eGC1 has reached OSP and will begin the central review process; includes OSP assignment
Application Review Notice (auto generated by OSP) – generated after central review and includes OSP review comments
Requested Documents Ready for Pickup – signed and scanned documents are uploadable to an application and are ready for pickup
FCOI Just-In-Time notification – to indicate eGC1 has reached JIT
Funding Action email w/Funding Action pdf attached
Post Award Change email w/PAC pdf attached
FIX: Non-UW authorized SAGE users cannot create new eGC1
Non-UW SAGE users, such as partners as SCCA or Fred Hutch, were receiving errors when attempting to initiate new eGC1s. The system restriction has been updated, so that all persons with a valid UW NetID and an appropriate SAGE Astra Role can perform their SAGE duties as expected.
FIX: Common Interdisciplinary Org Unit Reviewer checkboxes can’t be unchecked
An issue was resolved where eGC1 preparers who had previously checked one of the Interdisciplinary Organizational Unit Reviewers to add to the approval graph, and then later wanted to uncheck the unit, were unable to do so. Users can now check and uncheck as necessary before completing the eGC1.
FIX: Activity Locations without an address display blank in summary table
In the case where a location sourced from the GeoSims database does not have an address, the summary table on the Activity Locations page will now show the test “Not Provided” for consistency and clarity.
FIX: Editing Activity Locations or International Involvement sections in Firefox causes page to freeze
An issue with Firefox and locking/freezing of the Activity Locations page on edit has been resolved.
SAGE Budget
SAGE Budget Updates to Workday Salary Data Displayed for Personnel
In order to clean up and clarify the salary distribution data presented to SAGE Budget users, the following updates were made:
Make Institutional Base Salary more easily configurable in SAGE and update existing rules
SAGE Budget can now be more easily updated when new Compensation Plans are added to Workday. This will ensure salaries in SAGE Budget reflect each person’s Institutional Base Salary. This release also brings SAGE Budget up to date with the Compensation Plans currently in Workday.
Distribution % for Administrative and Endowed Supplements no longer factor in FTE
Administrative and Endowed Supplements will now show the Distribution % direct from Workday. Previously, these Compensation Plans used the same Distribution % calculation as General Salary, which incorrectly reduced the total pay for people with supplements tied to part-time positions.
Administrative and Endowed Supplements now included for Non-Faculty Personnel
SAGE Budget will now include Administrative and Endowed Supplements in Institutional Base Salary for any UW personnel who have them. Previously, these Compensation Plans were only included for faculty.
Other Minor SAGE Budget Fixes
The following SAGE Budget issues are now resolved:
FIX: 07 Retirement Benefit percent does not update when changing personnel from APL to non-APL
FIX: The Update (Benefit) Rate button in personnel salary and benefits by period does not work
FIX: 01-70 Changing between exemption rate settings for 01-70 staff does not result in refreshed benefits rates for individual personnel entries
SAGE Grant Runner
Populate SF424 Federal Agency from the Opportunity Data
The SF424 Grant Runner sponsor form will now default in the Federal Agency from the opportunity information retrieved from Grants.Gov, instead of the sponsor listed on the eGC1. This will improve accuracy on the Grant Runner form and reduce the risk of issues at the time of submission.
FIX: Error on History & Comments page for Grant Runner eGC1s (Released via patch on 6/19/19)
An issue has been resolved that was causing an error for users when they would navigate to the History and Comments section of the Approvals tab for an eGC1.
The SAGE team is focusing in 2019 on expanding and improving SAGE Budget capabilities, and streamlining proposal budgeting processes. This release includes several high-value features that were identified by budget preparers across campus who responded to a budget-focused survey and subsequent focus groups.
SAGE Budget
New Salary Cap Feature
In SAGE Budget you can now indicate when the sponsor has a salary cap, allowing you to set a custom salary cap value from the newly-renamed Targets & Caps tab.
From the worksheet, you’ll be able to see what the cap is, and which personnel exceed it.
When you open the details for individual personnel, you’ll see their total uncapped salary in addition to their capped total for improved transparency.
Improved Visibility to Salary and Benefit Totals
When updating the period details for personnel, you’ll now have better visibility to Period Salary Totals, Period Benefits Totals, and for the first time, visibility to the combined Salary & Benefit Total. This will make it easier to copy this total into sponsor budget forms, while also improving the layout to reduce scrolling. (See “Total Salary + Benefits” in image above)
New Summer Tuition Amount Field
To make it easier and more transparent to budget for summer tuition (the rate which normally differs from other academic quarters), you’ll now be able to enter a discrete Summer Tuition Amount for personnel with student sub-object codes. You’ll also be able to enter a Summer Tuition Amount for stand-alone tuition lines in the 08 object code.
Copy Budget Improvements
Copying SAGE budgets and sub-budgets will now prompt you to update the Title of the new budget, and after confirmation will open the new budget in a new browser tab. This will make it more intuitive for you to identify the new budget from the original when copying.
Streamlined and More Accessible Expense Entry
Keyboard and mouse navigation in the expense entry screens has been improved to make the experience more intuitive and accessible. This will reduce the amount of time to enter expenses for users who navigate using keyboard or mouse.
General SAGE Suite Maintenance Items
Activity Locations Entry Updated for Consistent Experience
The eGC1 Activity Locations page has been updated to make the entry of locations mirror the experience found on the Non-Fiscal Compliance page when entering Human and Animal protocols. This will make the entry experience more intuitive and the system more maintainable.
Improved eGC1 Performance
Testing of SAGE response time revealed that the Details and PI, Personnel & Organizations pages were slower than other parts of the eGC1. Those pages have been updated to drastically improve performance, allowing you to navigate with less waiting.
Compliance Question E-2 Has Been Updated
Non-Fiscal Compliance question E-2, concerning export of hardware, equipment, specimens, etc. has been updated to clarify that you do not need to report personal use laptops.
Fix: Country Field Displaying for Manually Entered Animal Use Institutions and Activity Locations
An issue causing the Country field to not display for manually entered Animal Use Institutions and Activity Locations has been resolved.
SAGE Grant Runner
New Grant Runner Warning for Expired NIH Funding Opportunities
When using Grant Runner, you’ll now see a warning at the top of the Check for Errors pop-up if you choose an NIH funding opportunity that closes prior to the Sponsor Deadline on the eGC1 Details page. This will provide you with transparency to the conflict, but will not prevent you from routing the eGC1.
Improved Usability for Country & State Entry on Grant Runner Forms
The Key Persons Expanded and Performance Sites forms on Grant Runner eGC1s have been updated to provide a more intuitive experience when entering Country and State. This also resolves an issue that could result in the State not saving.