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More Information About FY2019 Budget Request

Department of Defense

The Pentagon’s FY2019 budget request includes $445.9 million for the basic research (6.1) programs funded by the Army, a cut of about $41 million compared to the FY2017 level.  At the same time, the budget request asks for $919.6 million for Army applied research (6.2) programs, a decrease of about $300 million from FY2017.

Navy 6.1 programs would be cut by about $34 million and would receive approximately $597 million and Navy 6.2 programs would see a cut of roughly $89 million below the FY2017 level and would be funded at about $891 million under the FY2019 budget proposal.

At nearly $518 million, Air Force 6.1 would be cut by $27 million while Air Force 6.2 programs would see a total of roughly $1.31 billion, a $13-million cut.

Defense-wide basic research program would see a slight bump to $708 million while defense-wide 6.2 program would seen an increase of $207 million to $1.98 billion.

Additional details about the FY2019 Pentagon research budget request are available here.