May 15, 2024
The intersection of service and leadership
On May 23, the University of Washington’s Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center will present the 2024 Spring CELEbration, a forum for undergraduates to showcase their contributions to service, leadership and activist work conducted in partnership with the community.

Student presenter at the 2023 Spring CELEbration talks with a guest about her service and leadership work.
Students involved in CELE Center programs and Mary Gates Endowment Leadership Scholars will participate in the annual event. The Spring CELEbration, details of which are in the sidebar, embodies the Center’s foundational tenet of reflective learning, fostering an environment that stimulates students to engage in critical introspection and to scrutinize the complexities of their surrounding world.
Fran Lo, executive director of the CELE Center, emphasizes the importance of reflective learning in individual and collective efforts toward positive change within our communities. “The CELEbration creates a platform for students thinking about issues that matter in our communities, working to understand these issues with depth and complexity, and using their knowledge and skills to lead and act in service to the greater good,” Lo said.

An undergrad presents his service and leadership work in a lightning talk at the 2023 Spring CELEbration.
Guests will participate in poster sessions, oral presentations, lightning round talks and a video showcase. Mary Gates Endowment Leadership Scholar Emily Long, ‘24, will present her community work with the Compass Housing Alliance Renton Veteran Center. “I showcased leadership by hosting a focus group to determine what types of events and partnerships the residents would be interested in,” Long said. She used that information to research potential partnerships for the Center that focus on equity. “I am excited to celebrate student engagement and see what my peers have been working on!” said Long.
Two presentation sessions will take place throughout the evening. The sessions will highlight the impact of students’ work, mentor relationships, and academic and career paths. Undergraduates will interact with guests, discussing and answering questions about various leadership development experiences and public service efforts.
Senior Anh Dao, a College and Career Readiness Assistant with the Dream Project, is looking forward to having “great conversations with people about the work I am doing at UW Dream Project, and why I consider it an opportunity to serve and invest in students.” Dao will be presenting a table talk about her peer-mentorship work through the Dream Project, which will include questions to help guests explore the Dream Project while learning how it enriches the goals of the Center.

Undergrads share their service and leadership project via a table talk presentation at the 2023 Spring CELEbration.
Allysa Peredo, senior and Ellis Fellow, will discuss Riverway’s Cultural and Science Exchange Program and her related internship with Regence. Peredo’s experience offers unique insight into the transformative power of service, leadership and community partnership. “After graduation, I will continue to serve my community in this pathway with a full-time position at Regence,” said Peredo. Meanwhile, she is excited to hear presentations from other Ellis Fellows and friends within Riverways at the CELEbration.