Tag Archives: SAGE Budget

Budget List

When you log in to SAGE Budget, you will see your budget list. From there you can do the following:

If your budget list has no items, a piggy bank image displays with the text “Start your first budget! SAGE Budget helps you glide through the process of preparing accurate budgets that comply with complicated sponsor guidelines.”  Use the New Budget button below the piggy bank image to create a budget.

Create a New Budget

To create a budget, select the New Budget button on the upper left. The following image shows the button:

create new budget button

Your new budget will open and display the Budget Settings section for adding periods. Once you add a Budget Start Date, you can begin entering costs or move to any other part of the budget.

View Your List of Existing Budgets

Your budget list includes any budget that you have permission to edit or to view. The following information is displayed for each budget on your list:

  • Title – the title of your budget; click on the title to open your budget in the same tab or right-click to open in a new tab
  • Principal Investigator – the first and last name of the person designated as the PI on the budget’s primary worksheet
  • Budget Number – the unique, system-generated number for your budget
  • Active Linked Application – the most recently linked application for this budget, if there is one; click the link to open the application in a new tab
  • Last Edited – the date this budget was last edited, and the person who did the editing
  • Created Date – the date this budget was created

The budgets are in order by the Last Edited date, with the most recently edited one at the top. The following image shows an example budget list.

budget list

By default, there are 10 budgets listed on the page. The pagination tool at the bottom right of the list allows you to set the number of budgets shown on the page to 10, 25, or 50. When you change the number per page, the list will re-display from the top.

When you have more budgets than can display on a page, you can click on the arrows to move up or down the list. As you move through the list you will see an indication of where you are. For example, 26-50 of 221 indicates 25 budgets display on a page, and that you are on the second page of a list with a total of 221 budgets. The following image display this example.

budget list pagination example

To quickly find a budget, you can use the type-ahead search feature at the top, right of the page.

Click in the box and enter a search term. You can search by budget title, number, or the Principal Investigator’s name. When you pause in typing, a results list will appear. Click on an item in the list to open that budget. Changing the text in the search box will start a new search.

The following image shows a search term and results list.

budget list search example

Note: Upgraded Legacy Budgets

On January 28, 2022, budgets in the legacy format were upgraded to the current format. Review the Automatically Upgraded Legacy Budgets article for complete details.

Copy an Existing Budget

You can copy an existing budget to create a new one. At the far right of the budget header, select the “more options” menu icon (three blue vertical dots). Choose the Copy Budget option from the menu. A confirmation dialog will appear, stating that “Everything from this budget will be copied except history, notes, and connections to any eGC1s.” The following image shows this dialog.

When you confirm Copy Budget, your new budget will be created and you will see it in a new tab/window. The budget you copied will continue to display in its own tab/window.

You can copy any budget that you have edit or view-only access to.

Delete an Existing Budget

Note: deleting a budget is permanent.

You can delete a budget that you can edit, unless it is connected to an eGC1 or to an Award Setup Request.

At the far right of the budget header, select the “more options” menu icon, three blue vertical dots. Choose the Delete Budget option from the menu. A confirmation dialog will appear, stating “This entire budget will be permanently deleted.” The following image shows this dialog.

deleting a budget confirmation dialog

When you confirm the deletion, your budget list will display, and the deleted budget will no longer appear on the list.

When you create a budget, you are automatically named the role of Budget Preparer. Approvers may contact you during the review process, and OSP and/or GCA staff following the awarding of funds.

  • To select a different preparer, click the Change the Budget Preparer? link beneath the preparer information to open the personnel chooser.
  • Enter the Name or UW NetID for the person you want to add, and click Search.
  • Click on the desired person’s name to select her or him and return to the Access page.

When you choose to change yourself as the preparer, a warning message will appear. If the change you are making removes your last access to this item, once you confirm the change, the tasklist will display.

loss of access warning dialog

The information displayed for the preparer is:

  • Name and Employee ID
  • Selected unit: the name and Cost Center of the contact’s unit for the appointment selected. This is automatically displayed by SAGE.
  • Title: the contact’s title from the directory. This field is editable.
  • Phone: the contact’s title from the directory. This field is editable.
  • Email: the contact’s title from the directory. This field is editable.

December 2022 SAGE Maintenance Release

SAGE Infrastructure Updates

Switch to new Clinical Salary Service End Point

UW IT has made a change to their Clinical Salary service, which requires SAGE to update to their new end point.

Switch to new Space Service End Point

UW IT has made a change to their Space Web service, which requires SAGE to update to their new end point.

FIX: Update procedure causing task list performance issues

One of the procedures supporting the subaward task list has been improved in its design in order to improve performance when searching.

Upgrade front end developer tools

The front end engineers have upgraded to a new set of tools and a consolidation of code into a monorepo architecture. This update provides important streamlining benefits, allowing SAGE to deploy updates in a targeted way, and for code to become more easily managed and maintained.

SAGE Budget

FIX: SAGE Budget salary refresh causing display issues

An issue was resolved in the viewing of salary details in SAGE Budget, occurring at times when salary data was refreshed by the user.

FIX: SAGE Budget re-saving issue in salary details view

An issue was resolved in the viewing of salary details in SAGE Budget, where re-saving of the select allocation details caused clinical salary to be omitted.

Connected Budget and eGC1

When you link a SAGE Budget to an eGC1, each item’s contacts and access lists are combined into a shared “access” page.  A set of rules determines how the data is combined, so that no user loses access.

Once you link the Budget and the eGC1, you can make changes from either the eGC1’s Contact & Access page or from the Budget Settings Access & Roles section.

The shared page includes the “owners” which are the Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, eGC1 Preparer, Budget Preparer and the eGC1’s PI. The list will also include any general collaborators with assigned access, either Can Edit or View Only.

The rules for combining the information from the original pages are:

  1. If you have different Administrative Contacts and Budget Contacts listed on your eGC1 and your SAGE budget when they are connected:
    • Any existing SAGE Budget contacts will display on the resulting shared page.
    • The eGC1’s contacts will change to editable access, either Read/Write (eGC1) or Can Edit (Budget). Note: If your budget does not have an Administrative or Budget Contact, then the eGC1 contact will display on the shared page.
  2. The eGC1 and Budget Preparers will display on the shared page.
  3. The PI listed on the eGC1’s PI & Personnel page will be the PI on the shared access page.
  4. Users will keep their higher level of access to the connected eGC1 and SAGE Budget. For example, a user with View Only access to the SAGE Budget and Read/Write access to the eGC1, will have edit access on the shared page.
    • Read/Write (eGC1) or Can Edit (Budget) are a higher level of access than Read-Only (eGC1) or Can View (Budget).
    • Owners (contacts, preparers, and PI) always have edit access.
    • Anyone with edit access may change or remove assigned access for anyone else.

Disconnected Budget and eGC1

When you disconnect a budget from an eGC1, each item will retain the Administrative Contact, the Pre-Award Budget Contact and a copy of all users with assigned access.

Additionally, these adjustments will be made:

  • The Budget Preparer role will not display on the eGC1. However, if the Budget Preparer had no other access to the eGC1, they will be assigned Read Write access to it.
  • The eGC1 Preparer role will not display on the Budget. However, if the eGC1 Preparer had no other access to the Budget, they will be assigned Can Edit access to it.
  • The eGC1’s PI will be assigned Can Edit access to the Budget.

Access page for multiple eGC1s and their connected budget

If you have a budget which is connected to multiple eGC1s:

  • Access lists for the eGC1s and their connected budget will merge.
  • The creator of the most recent eGC1 will become the eGC1 Preparer on the shared access page and will therefore have owner (edit) access.
  • Creators of all other eGC1s will have read-only access.
  • The PI on the most recent eGC1 will receive any email notifications and be listed as an owner.
  • Any former PIs will still display on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page of the corresponding older eGC1. They will have read-only access to the current eGC1 and Budget. The former PIs will not receive email notifications.
  • Note: The PI on the most recent eGC1 will display on your My eGC1s page, so you will be unable to search for an older eGC1 using the former PI’s name.

Access for Global Editors

SAGE users with the Global Edit ASTRA role do not display on the access list for an eGC1 or Budget. They only have access to eGC1s not in Composing status. They will also have read/write access to any budgets connected to those eGC1s.

Notes, tips, and warnings

  • If you are preparing your eGC1 and budget at the same time, connect your budget before filling out the access page. You will then only need to fill in the information once.
  • If you remove yourself as an owner from the Contacts & Assign Access page for an eGC1 in Composing status or in Withdrawn status with no approvals, you will no longer have any access to the eGC1 or its connected budget. For an eGC1 in Approved or Returned status, you will retain read-only access.
  • Be sure you are connecting the correct budget to your eGC1 or the wrong people will end up on the access list.

As you manage an awarded project over time, you might link more than one eGC1 to the same SAGE Budget. When that occurs, there are several things to consider.

Editing Linked eGC1s and their Budget

Generally, you cannot edit an eGC1 in Routing or In OSP status or its linked budget. When you link multiple eGC1s to the same budget, none of the eGC1s or the budget are editable if any one eGC1 is Routing or In OSP.

Shared eGC1 Data: Contacts & Assign Access

Information on the Contacts & Assign Access page is shared across all of the eGC1s and the budget that links them. If you make a change on any one of the eGC1s or the budget, it affects all of the other linked items.

For example, assume you have an older Approved or Awarded eGC1 linked to a budget. You then link a new eGC1 to the same budget. If you make changes on the new eGC1’s Contacts & Assign Access page, those changes will happen on the older eGC1 and the budget also. This ensures that the current contacts receive any system email notifications sent concerning either related eGC1.

Shared eGC1 Data: Research Personnel

Similarly, if you make a change to the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page on any of the linked eGC1s, it will display on all of the other linked eGC1s. You can change the PI, add or delete other personnel, or update an investigator’s status. Once an eGC1 has reached Approved status, the Post-Approval Personnel Changes section displays at the bottom of the page and lists any changes.

The intent is to maintain one up-to-date list of the research personnel working on the project, for the purposes of significant financial interest (SFI) disclosures. When you add new investigators to the list, they will have to create a disclosure for the older eGC1 in addition to the new one.

Note: changes to the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page do not affect the personnel listed on the linked budget.

Any personnel changes you make to an eGC1 after approval do not affect the approval graph. It remains as it was at time of approval. The list of people on the cost share page will be the people who were on the eGC1 at time of OSP approval. Personnel that you add post-approval do not display on this page.

Also, the eGC1 Snapshot on the approval History & Comments page will still show the data as it was at the time that person approved.

One of the benefits of using SAGE Budget to create your proposal budget is that you can then connect it to your eGC1. It will automatically populate the Budget page of your eGC1. Since the two items are linked, any time you update your budget, your eGC1 will show the updated data. When you select a budget period to connect to your eGC1, SAGE imports all the data from your budget worksheets.

In addition, if your eGC1 is a Grant Runner application using the RR Detailed Budget form, your budget data will be mapped into the form. A Sponsor Budget Map link will display on the left navigation menu for you to make any desired changes to where the data maps by default. Review the Sponsor Budget Map article for more details.

Your eGC1 and budget will route together so reviewers can easily see budget details in a standard format.

When you submit a renewal eGC1, you can use the same budget to link the award-adjusted data for the next period to your renewal application.

Contacts and Access

When you connect a SAGE Budget and eGC1, they will share the contacts and access information. Any information you update on the Budget will be reflected on the eGC1. When you connect the two items, everyone who had access to either item will still have access. The SAGE Budget and eGC1 Shared Access Data article explains the details.

To enter someone with hourly wages, use the following steps:

  1. Add the person to the budget and open the side panel for the period
  2. Calculate the Monthly Base Salary = hourly wage * 173.3  (UW standard monthly hours)
  3. Adjust the default Inflation Rate if needed
  4. Select Academic/Summer
  5. Calculate the number of Academic Months and/or Summer Months the person is working.
    • Months = number of weeks of work / 4 weeks per month
  6. Calculate the number of Academic Hours and/or Summer Hours
    • Hours = hours per week * number of weeks
  7. Verify Total Requested Salary


A person will be working during the Spring academic quarter and the Summer quarter.

  • Hourly wage = $18.03
  • Academic quarter:
    • Hours per week = 5
    • Weeks working = 10
    • Total hours = 50
  • Summer quarter:
    • Hours per week = 30
    • Weeks working = 8
    • Total hours = 240
  • Overall total of $5,228.70 for 290 hours


  1. Monthly Base Salary = $18.03 * 173.3 = $3,124.60
  2. Academic Months = 10 weeks of work / 4 weeks per month = 2.5 months
  3. Academic Monthly Hours = 5 hours per week * 4 weeks = 20 hours
  4. Summer Months = 8 weeks of work / 4 weeks per month = 2.0 months
  5. Summer Monthly Hours = 30 hours per week * 4 weeks = 120 hours
  6. Total Requested Salary = $5,228.70

January 2022 Legacy SAGE Budget Retirement

Legacy SAGE Budget Retirement

Thanks to valuable user feedback, the Office of Research Information Services (ORIS) launched a redesigned SAGE Budget tool in 2020 with a more streamlined, efficient, and intuitive look and feel. This new design also lays a foundation for upcoming integrations between SAGE and Workday.

Over the last year, we’ve collected your feedback and have added several features to ensure the current SAGE Budget format meets all of your core needs (e.g. APL and Fixed Fee). We are now ready to retire the legacy format, which allows us to focus our continued enhancements in the new format only. This is especially important as we prepare for the critical role that SAGE Budget will play in communicating award budget information to the financial system when the UW goes live with Workday Finance.

Upgrading of all Legacy Budgets

With the retirement of legacy SAGE Budget, all existing budgets in the legacy format will be upgraded to the new (current) budget format. Upgrading means:

  • When you open your budget, it will open in the new (current) version.
  • Those who had access to the legacy budget will have the same access on the upgraded version.
  • On the History page, snapshots of previous budget versions will now display in the new (current) format.
  • All costs and settings (like targets and salary caps) that were enabled on the legacy budget will be enabled on the upgraded budget.
    • Note: Auto Adjusting Entries (AAE) will not be available in the new (current) format. AAE will be converted to a standard costs line on the primary worksheet, with a note, “Converted Auto Adjusting Line.” The following budget details will remain the same:
      • object/sub-object code
      • cost amount
      • periods

Budget List Updates

The following changes have been made to the budget list:

  • The option to create a legacy budget has been removed
  • The Format column has been replaced with a Created Date column
  • An “Upgraded” indicator displays when a budget has been upgraded by the system

The default sort order on the budget list remains the same, descending by last edited date. You can still search for your budgets by Principal Investigator (PI) name, budget number, or budget title.

budget list with new look

Other Budget Updates (released in advance)

The default Prorated Direct Cost (PDC) rate that displays when you enable APL on a budget worksheet has been updated from 35.2% to 35.0%.


Ad Hoc Approver Improvements

Two changes were made to the list of roles that display when adding an ad hoc approver to an eGC1 approval flow:

  • Several out-of-date roles have been removed.
  • The list has been alphabetized.

SAGE Subawards (released in advance)

Subaward Expiration Fix

Subawards that reached Expired status were not updating to Active status when a modification was processed which pushed the End Date into the future. That issue has been fixed so that the overall Subaward reflects accurate status information.

Subaward History Now Includes All Subaward Status Changes

The Subaward History now includes events for each time the Subaward Status changes. Previously, the Subaward History only included status changes for Subaward Actions. This will provide more information about when the overall Subaward transitioned through process steps.

SAGE fully upgraded existing legacy budgets to the current budget format on January 28, 2022, with a few exceptions. This article describes

Fully Upgraded Budgets

You can identify these upgraded budgets on your budget list by the “UPGRADED” chip following the title of the budget. If you hover your mouse over the chip, the text reads “This budget was automatically upgraded from the legacy format.” The following image shows an example of this.

budget list including an upgraded budget

When you open the budget, you will see a banner displaying the same “automatically upgraded” message at the top of the Budget Summary, as shown below.

legacy budget upgrade banner

Upgraded Budgets with Some Revised Calculations

If your budget included APL (Applied Physics Lab), Fixed Fee, or Sea Pay costs, you were not previously able to manually upgrade it due to some incorrect calculations. On the automatically upgraded version of these budgets, the calculations have been corrected, so the totals will differ from the legacy version.

In these cases, an “alert” version of the banner will display. The alert text will indicate which of your budget costs needed to be corrected: APL, Sea Pay, or APL and Sea Pay.

The following image shows an example alert for a budget with APL costs.

legacy budget upgrade banner for A P L

These are the four incorrect calculation cases:

    • Legacy Budgets with APL/PDC (pro-rated direct costs) that included a subaward
      • PDC should have been charged against the first $25,000 of a subaward worksheet or subaward line 03-62.
    • Legacy Budgets with APL that included Sea Pay
      • Sea Pay benefits on APL budgets were incorrectly calculated using APL benefits AND APL Leave Benefits. The correct calculation for Sea Pay benefits is to use the APL hourly rate (01-86).
    • Legacy Budget with APL costs in 19-00 or 19-20
      • Costs from 19-00 and 19-20 should not have been used for proposal budgets and are no longer allowed in current budgets.
    • Legacy budgets with APL and Fixed Fee on both the parent budget and a sub-budget
      • The sub-budget fixed fee amount was not included in the total budget’s fixed fee.

Budgets that Could Not be Upgraded

There were a very few budgets that could not be upgraded for various reasons. To provide access to the data for these budgets, a download icon and “legacy” chip will appear on your budget list, as shown below.

chip and download link for legacy budgets not upgraded

Clicking the budget title or download icon will create an export to Excel in the legacy format.