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Hazing Prevention Advisory Committee

The University of Washington has established a hazing prevention advisory committee to promote and address hazing prevention. The committee provides feedback and works to build education, programs, and initiatives on the tri-campus for hazing prevention with all stakeholders at UW. The committee follows RCW 28.B.10.905 (Sam’s Law). 

The committee compromises students, employees, and at least one parent/guardian of a student at UW from the tri-campuses. They will meet a minimum of once a quarter (excluding summer). This is a one-year appointment by the UW president and is renewed annually. 

If you have any questions about the committee, please contact the Hazing Prevention and Response Specialist at

Committee Members

Name Title Campus
Nika Aydin Student Seattle
Nancy Bartley Staff Seattle
Jennifer Britton Staff Seattle
Jeffrey Dyer Student Seattle
Heather Elkind Student Seattle
Katharine Estep Student Seattle
Nate Harris Staff Seattle
Olivia King Student Seattle
Pam Lynne Staff Seattle
Audrey McGrath Staff/Parent Seattle
Alex Salemme Hazing Prevention & Response Specialist Tri-Campus 
Thomas Tumbokon Student Bothell