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New Funding Opportunity: Department of Defense

The US Department of Defense has announced a new funding opportunity related to the COVID-19 national emergency. The Newton Award for Transformative Ideas During the COVID-19 Pandemic is now available on, with proposals due May 15th. See this link.

Higher Ed Community Seeking Support for Research and Additional Funds for Institutions in “Phase 4”

As the push for a “Phase 4” coronavirus bill gains steam, the higher education community has come up with a set of requests for the still-developing package, some of which would augment provisions in “Phase 3” while others would create new sources of funding.

The broader higher education community is jointly advocating for this proposal, which would add approximately $47 billion to the Higher Education Fund that was created in the $2.2-trillion CARES Act.  The request is based on a set of assumptions that the community made in order to craft a timely proposal.

The research university community is making another push for research funding in a Phase 4 package.  In an effort to address a portion of the problems being caused by the pandemic, the group proposal calls for, among other items, $26 billion in the next legislative package to address the various needs in the research enterprise.