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Tell your story through the UW’s photo contest

Tell us about the great work you and your teams are doing by participating in our UW Insider photo contest, exclusively for UW employees. Here is how to enter:

  1. Read UW Insider: The contest will be announced at the beginning of the month in our weekly email.

Post about your team’s commitment to the Husky Experience with #YouW on social media, or email for a chance to win a prize and be recognized on the UW’s main channels!

  1. Take a photo: Horizontally-aligned images are preferred. Currently, no videos are being accepted.
  1. Tell us about it: Your caption should respond to the prompt in UW Insider.
  1. Share your photo:  Email your photo to us at to enter the contest. Winners will be selected at the end of the month, receive a small prize and be recognized on the UW’s LinkedIn page and in UW Insider.

Social media policies & best practices:

Do you work at UW Medicine? All UW Medicine employees should limit their use of UW Insider’s social media elements in hospital or clinic space to rest or meal breaks, unless social media use has been previously approved by a supervisor.

Questions? Contact us at