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Welcome to UW Insider

Welcome to the first edition of UW Insider — a weekly e-newsletter designed to help you find the information you need to make the most of your UW employment experience. ­

Through UW Insider, you’ll receive faculty and staff news, events and information in your inbox every Wednesday, along with a monthly calendar email featuring events from UW Human Resources (UWHR), UW Information Technology (UW-IT), The Whole U, Finance & Facilities (F2) and more.

UWHR, UW-IT, F2 and University Marketing & Communications designed UW Insider with faculty and staff in mind. We used input from reader surveys and user experience studies to create a publication that will reduce email overload and combine crucial employee information into one centrally managed vehicle.

UW Insider replaces information previously shared in IT Connect News, The Resource, The Whole U email, Disaster Digest, UW Recycling newsletter and the UW Combined Fund Drive newsletter. It will also contain updates and information about key UW efforts such as Transforming Administration Program (TAP), Culture of Service, Population Health Initiative, Race & Equity Initiative and the Human Resources/Payroll (HR/P) Modernization Program. UW Insider works with, but does not replace, UW Today, which primarily focuses on external-facing news about the University of Washington.

Share your feedback: Take a quick survey to let us know what you think of this new publication. We’ll make continuous improvements based on your input!

Visit the Faculty & Staff Insider page for more information.

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