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Links in documents

Link text should be unique within a page, should be meaningful when read out of context, and should help users to know something about their destination if they click on it.

For an overview of this issue, see Links and buttons in our IT Accessibility Checklist.

Techniques for Microsoft Office

To add links in Microsoft Office, select the text or picture that you want to display as a hyperlink. Press Ctrl+K in Windows, or Cmd+K in Mac OS. You can also right-click the text or picture and select “Hyperlink” in the shortcut menu. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog, type or paste your link in the Address field.

As described at the top of this page, be sure the link text conforms to best practices for accessibility. If the link is created from a picture, the picture’s alt text should follow the same rules as link text.  (For additional information about alt text, see the Images in documents page).

Techniques for PDF

If a PDF document was properly exported from an accessible version of an authoring application, the links in the document should already be active and accessible. Verification of links can be accomplished by running the Accessibility Checker built into Acrobat Pro DC.

Acrobat provides several ways to create active links for URLs in a PDF document including using the automated tools for remediation. To create links in a PDF document using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight the text
  2. Right click and select “Create Link…” from the context menu
  3. In the Create Link dialog box, select either ” Go to a page view” if you are linking within the document, or ” Open a web page” if you are linking a URL, then follow the prompts to complete the task.