New Non-Fiscal Compliance page
The eGC1 Compliance Questions and Explanations pages have been replaced by a new page called Non-Fiscal Compliance. This consolidation provides a more streamlined experience for preparers and reviewers.
Updated questions reflect current institutional needs, with improved clarity in mind. Links to supporting guidance have been added to assist preparers in understanding the policies and regulations behind each question. You can review the updated questions by visiting this page..

Design improvements make the page easier to navigate and gauge progress toward completion.

eGC1s that are in routing at the time of this release will display the old compliance questions that existed when the eGC1 was initially routed.
However, any eGC1 that is returned or withdrawn after the release will be reset with the new compliance questions. Answers to the previous questions will no longer display. Plan for additional time to re-complete that page in case a return or withdrawal is necessary.
Zipline and Hoverboard linked to eGC1
Human Subject (Zipline) and Animal Use (Hoverboard) protocols can now be linked to your eGC1. Searching by IRB Application Number or IACUC Protocol Number will allow you to pull in real-time information, reducing manual back-and-forth between systems and improving the accuracy of protocol details in SAGE.

Improved Collaboration
Send page link to PI, Reviewers
From any standard eGC1 page (excluding Grant Runner forms), the URL is now a direct link that you can copy and share with others who have access to that eGC1. This will be particularly useful when collaborating with the PI on completing the Non-Fiscal Compliance page.

Multi-User Editing (limited)
Currently, only one person can edit an eGC1 at a time. However, the Non-Fiscal Compliance page can now be edited, even while someone else is working in other areas of the eGC1. This will avoid situations where the PI could be blocked from contributing to the Non-Fiscal Compliance page while the administrator is currently editing other areas of the proposal.
As part of a larger effort to improve usability and content of the eGC1 Compliance page, this release makes a number of alterations to better focus the Compliance page on non-fiscal compliance questions. This was accomplished by either removing questions or relocating them to more intuitive sections of the eGC1.
There are more changes coming to the Compliance page in a later release that will build upon these enhancements.
Compliance Page Changes
Question |
Change |
FG-1 Cost Share |
Relocated to Budget & Fiscal Compliance page |
FG-2 Conducted off campus |
Replaced by Activity Locations section |
FG-3 F&A at less than federally negotiated rate |
Relocated to Budget & Fiscal Compliance page |
FG-4 New, rental or renovation |
Relocated to Activity Locations page |
FG-5 Compensation for overtime |
Removed |
FG-6 Deliverables |
Removed |
FG-7 Administrative support |
Relocated to Budget and Fiscal Compliance page |
FG-8 Interdisciplinary facilities |
Relocated to the PI, Personnel & Organizations page |
FG-9 Review by other organization |
Relocated to the PI, Personnel & Organizations page |
NG-1 Advancement assistance |
Removed |
NG-3 Originating sponsor |
Relocated to the Details page with other sponsor information |
New Activity Locations Page
A new page has been added to the eGC1 that centralizes details related to the location of research activities in a proposal.
This page includes relocated questions, as well as more detailed tracking on each location where UW work will take place. The sections on this page are:
Activity Locations
- Includes identification of each location where UW research activities are taking place along with details helpful for budgeting and F&A rate determination.
- The Location Search integrates with the UW’s space tracking system GeoSIMS, allowing you to partially enter a facility name, address or facility code and populate the eGC1 with the data for that location.
- You can also manually enter locations not found in GeoSIMS.
Space Planning
- Includes the “construction or renovation” question formerly on the Compliance page, along with approval details when answered ‘Yes’.
International Involvement
- Includes the international involvement question and country identification formerly on the Details page. Country is now sourced from the more comprehensive international standard ISO 3166.
This new page introduces an updated, intuitive and more modern experience for SAGE. Based on feedback from users, we will be incrementally updating SAGE to new design standards with each new release.
Fiscal Compliance Combined with Budget
The existing FG-1, FG-3, and FG-7 compliance questions related to fiscal compliance have been relocated to the top of the Budget page (now rebranded “Budget & Fiscal Compliance”), along with the useful explanations when ‘Yes’ is selected.
Details Page Updates
The existing NG-3 “originating sponsor” compliance question has been relocated to the Details page directly below the Sponsor selection.
The international involvement question has been relocated to the Activity Locations page.
PI, Personnel, & Organizations Page Updates
The existing FG-8 Compliance question on interdisciplinary facilities, service centers, etc. has been relocated to the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page. In a previous release, the FG-9 “other organizational reviewers” question was relocated to this page as well. With these two changes, you can now better manage your eGC1 approvals in one location.
SAGE Toolbar Update
The “reset form” icon on the upper SAGE toolbar has been removed. Removal of this rarely used feature will allow the application design to progress to more modern standards.
SPAERC: Intellectual Property Questions Added to FA/PAC/NAA
A new question has been added to the FAs, PACs, and NAAs in SPAERC for OSP post-award administrators to indicate when an agreement includes an upfront exclusive commercial license or ownership over the project’s intellectual property. CoMotion will receive notification when these are marked YES in order to get a jump start on IP negotiation.
SPAERC: BUG FIX – Internal OSP Notes no longer display in SAGE Subawards “Latest Update”
An issue that was causing internal OSP notes for subawards to display in SAGE under “Latest Update” for requests in process has been resolved. The “Latest Update” will now only display the most recent status update and any accompanying comments to/from campus and OSP.
The system adds reviewers to the approval flow when a preparer answers “Yes” to select compliance questions or to a compliance question in combination with other data.
The following table describes when a Compliance Reviewer is added, which individual or unit is added, and whether the Reviewer is an Approver or a Watcher.
Condition |
Reviewer Added |
Approver or Watcher |
EHS-1 – Biohazards selected |
EHS BioSafety |
Watcher |
EHS-1 – Select Agents and Toxins selected |
EHS Select Agents |
Approver |
EHS-1 – Radioactive Materials selected |
EHS Radiation |
Watcher |
EHS-1 -SCUBA Diving |
EHS Diving |
Watcher |
EHS-1 – Chemical Tresholds |
EHS Fire Code Compliance |
Watcher |
AU-1 = Yes AND The application is After-the-Fact (ATF)
The application type is:
- Transfer from Another Institution
- Supplement and Extension
Animal Subjects |
Approver; see additional notes below |
SEC-4 = Yes (potentially involves access to classified national security information) Appears on older eGC1s |
Security Reviewer |
Approver |
Additional Animal Use Notes
- For an application with AU-1 = Yes, and an application type other than those listed above, the review is done just-in-time, when the sponsor notifies the PI that the proposal has a fundable score. Upon notification, the PI or other application owner adds Animal Subjects to the Approval Graph as an ad hoc watcher. The system then sends an email notification to the Animal Subjects reviewers and gives them access to the application.
- On the Non-Fiscal Compliance page, if a user chooses an existing Hoverboard protocol or enters a new protocol, and the protocol indicates that the Primate Center will be used, then the Department/Center Reviewer for the Primate Center (org code 3010221000) is automatically added to the Approval Graph as an Approver.