You can view changes to the subaward and its subaward requests in this section.
On the Subaward Overview page, the All Event History & Comments section shows all changes for the subaward and its related requests.
Initially, the accordioned section displays in collapsed mode. You can expand it by selecting the V-shaped “chevron” at the far right of the section title. Clicking the rotated chevron will collapse the section.
On a Request Details page, the Event History & Comments section shows events related to that specific request only.
When you expand the section, you can select Filter to display the filtering options. For the Event Type filter, all of the check boxes are unselected by default, so all types display. To limit the list to just one or more types, select those check boxes.
Status Change |
All status changes with their associated comments |
Comments |
Just the comments from OSP, when a request is returned, and from campus, when the returned request is resubmitted |
Assignment Change |
Changes to the OSP Assigned To value |
Contact Change |
Changes to the UW or Subrecipient contacts; only appears in the “All” events section on the Overview page |
Attachment Change |
Added, updated and deleted files |
When on the Overview page, you can also select a specific request from the Request ID drop-down menu to limit the events list to changes for just that item.
The following image show the All Event section filters.

For each event or comment, the information shown includes:
- Event Type, such as Status Change
- Subaward number (SC) or Subaward Request number (SA)
- Person who made the change
- Date and time when the change occurred
- System generated description of the change
- Comments from OSP and campus about a returned and resubmitted request

When you are composing a new subaward request, you will need to complete the required fields for the UW and Subrecipient Contacts before submitting it. Once submitted, you can update the Contacts information on the Overview Page.
Adding UW Contacts
When you select the eGC1, the system auto-populates the UW PI from the application. While the request is in Composing status, you can change the PI information.
The Subaward Preparer auto-populates with the person who creates the New subaward request. You can change the preparer.
You will need to add the UW Financial Contact before you can submit your request. Use the look up button to search for and select the appropriate person. The system will auto-populate the Name, Email, and Phone fields. Once you have added a person, a Change link will display.
Subrecipient Contacts
You must add the name and email address for the Subrecipient PI (Principal Investigator) before you can submit your request. The phone number is optional.
Optionally, you may also add the name and email for a Subrecipient Contact. Include any other contact information in the Notes field.
Updating the Contacts
If you are a UW contact on the subaward, or have the Subaward Preparer ASTRA role, you may edit the non-PI contacts. Only OSP can make changes to the UW PI or Subrecipient PI.
Note: If the Subrecipient PI is blank, you’ll be able to add contact information regardless of status.
Select Edit Contacts to make the contact information editable, as shown in the following image.

The button label will switch to Save Contacts for saving your changes. A Cancel link displays below the button, if you decide not to make any changes.
The following image shows the Subaward Contacts section, in editing mode.

To update the current Subaward Preparer or Financial Contact, select the “change” link to access the personnel chooser.
Enter any new information for the Subrecipient Contact or notes.
The Add Comment link allows you to add an independent comment to the application at any time in the process. Clicking it opens a pop-up window containing two sections: Application Details and Comment, as shown in the following image.

The Application Details section lists selected fields from the eGC1 to help you confirm that you are viewing the correct item. The data fields include:
- Application Number
- Short Title
- PI Name
- Org Code Receiving Funding
- Sponsor Name
The Comments section includes a text box for entering your comment and an Add Comment button to complete the process. There is also a Cancel link that will return you to the Approval Flow page without saving a comment.
Any comments you enter and save will display on the History & Comments page, and therefore will be visible to all persons with access to the eGC1. The system displays the name of the person who added the comment and lists their role and unit, such as, Department Reviewer CHEMISTRY.
The History & Comments page provides an overview of all actions related to approvals, from when the application is first routed for approval to when it is approved by OSP, including withdrawals, returns and re-completions.
Note: For Grant Runner and Adobe package applications, submission status information is also displayed here.
You can access this page from the Approval Flow (Graphical) page using the left navigation menu. From your eGC1 tasklist, you can select the eGC1 status to open the Approval Flow. From within an eGC1, go to on the Certify & Route page to open the Approval Flow.
In addition to approvals, this page will also show status changes:
- From Withdraw or Returned to Permanently Withdrawn
- From Approved to Denied by Sponsor
- When OSP resets the status
This page also displays any comments entered by campus reviewers or OSP when processing the application.
- Comments are optional when:
- A reviewer approves an application
- A preparer re-routes an application
- Comments are required when:
- A reviewer returns an application
- You add or remove an ad hoc approver or watcher
- You change a Returned or Withdrawn application to Permanently Withdrawn status
- You change an Approved application Denied by Sponsor status
- OSP resets the status from Approved to In OSP or from Denied to Approved or to In OSP
For each action taken, the data fields include:
Field |
Description |
Name |
The person who executed the action |
Rule Type |
The person’s role or relationship to the application |
Budget Edit Number |
The version of the connected budget (if any) at the time of the action
For an application with a connected SAGE Budget, the Budget Edit Numbers enable you to track when someone revised a budget and to open versions of the budget at specific points in time. To view a budget as it was when an action was taken, click the Budget Edit Number. This will open SAGE Budget in a separate window or tab where you may view all of the budget details. |
Action Taken |
The type of action, such as Completed, Withdrawn, Approved, Returned, Added Ad Hoc Approver, etc. If the action is an Approval, there will also be some additional links. Clicking any of the links will open a new window or tab.
- Approved Attachments links to the version of the attachments at the time of approval. To open a specific document, click the link. The budget attachments in the Connected Budget Data section of the eGC1 Attachment page will always have the most up-to-date budget information, so you should review those attachments, if available.
- eGC1 Snapshot links to the version (snapshot) of the eGC1 at the time of approval.
- Approved Sponsor Forms links to the version of the Grant Runner forms at the time of approval. Only Grant Runner eGC1s will display this link.
Date |
When the action occurred. |
Comments |
Any user-entered or system-generated comments. |
To sort the entries by Rule Type, Action Taken, or Date, click on the column heading (for example: Date). Click again to reverse the sort.
The following images show an example of the History & Comments section, including the Approved Sponsor Forms link for the Grant Runner forms.

Upcoming Approvals
The Upcoming Approvals section lists the units or reviewers who have not yet approved (or watched), their approval status, and a link to view the list of authorized reviewers for that unit. Approval statuses are:
- Waiting Approval indicates the eGC1 is ready for this Reviewer to approve.
- En Route indicates a prior Reviewer on the graph (to the left) has yet to approve.
- Watching indicates a reviewer who needs to be aware of the application, but is not an approver.
The following image shows an example of this section.