Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Academic resources

March 29, 2023

Protecting our shared home: A conversation with author, climate advocate and alum Brianna Craft

Danielle Marie Holland

Photo of Brianna Craft

Far from remaining frozen in panic, Craft spent the following years diving into the issues behind the climate crisis. Craft credits some of her journey through fear and into deeper understanding to the UW Honors Program’s interdisciplinary approach. She was awarded a Bonderman Fellowship in 2008, and used the following year to travel through 14…

February 23, 2023

Celebrating the 2021–22 Undergraduate Medalists

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

From the thousands of undergraduate students at the University of Washington, three are selected each year for the prestigious President’s Medalist Award. Olivia Brandon, Peyton Goodwin and Anaëlle Enders are the medalists for 2021–22, selected by a committee for their high GPAs, rigor of classes and numbers of Honors courses. All three are students in the University Honors Program, completing the Interdisciplinary Honors track.

February 21, 2023

More than money: Scholarships, jobs, internships map to students’ interests

Jenelle Birnbaum and Danielle Marie Holland

Illustration of figures and representations of dollar bills floating in a sunrise sky. People are catching the dollars, floating with them.

Funding opportunities abound across UAA with a broad range of funded opportunities — scholarships, internships and jobs — that connect to and support students’ interests.

November 10, 2022

15-seconds at a time: Academic Support Programs [video]

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Video still of Ryan Burt

  In this video, Academic Support Programs Director Ryan Burt takes on the challenge of explaining Academic Support Programs in less than 15 seconds at a time. “15 Seconds at a Time” is a series in which different Undergraduate Academic Affairs programs explain their work in bite-sized bursts. Academic Support Programs, located at the UW…

September 28, 2022

This autumn, let us begin again

Ed Taylor

Photo of Vice Provost and Dean Ed Taylor

The leaves change together, just as our students transform together through a common experience of learning at this point in time and at this public institution. The turning of the leaves, a new school year, new students coming to campus: It is hopeful and gives us all an opportunity to begin again. In Undergraduate Academic…

September 22, 2022

Emily Kolby named director for First Year Curriculum and Engagement

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Emily Kolby

Undergraduate Academic Affairs is pleased to welcome Emily Kolby to her new appointment as director of First Year Curriculum and Engagement. Kolby identifies First Year Programs’ guiding principles of intentionality, collaboration, equity and access as essential to the work of serving students. She believes that with continuing the work of intentionally connecting with each student, that the program can create full and holistic first year experiences.

September 19, 2022

15 Seconds at a Time: Undergraduate Research Program [video]

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Photo of Sophie Pierszalowski

In this video, Undergraduate Research Program Director Sophie Pierszalowski takes on the challenge of explaining the Undergraduate Research Program in less than 15 seconds at a time. “15 Seconds at a Time” is a series in which various Undergraduate Academic Affairs programs explain their work in bite-sized bursts.

September 9, 2022

Creating your UW academic adventure

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Image of trees with fall colors and students walking through the Quad.

Editor’s note: This story is not meant to be read straight through. Read a section, make your choice and see what part of your academic adventure unfolds next. 1 It’s your first quarter at the UW! You feel very motivated and excited by the possibilities of a big university and living on your own for…

August 9, 2022

15 Seconds at a Time: The CELE Center [video]

Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Video still of Fran Lo

In this video, CELE Center Executive Director Francesca Lo takes on the challenge of explaining the UW Community Engagement Center and Leadership Education (CELE) Center in less than 15 seconds at a time.

July 14, 2022

A pathway with promise

Danielle Marie Holland

Photo of Lily Peterson outdoors

As reported by The Seattle Times, in the news conference Taylor “likened it to a relay race, with the batons passed smoothly from high schools to community colleges and then to the UW.” The baton was passed to the UW as the partnership officially launched September 2021. The first cohort of participants in the Path…

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