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Session News: Regents & trustees champion higher education with lawmakers

Regents and trustees from the state’s two- and four-year higher education institutions traveled to Olympia last week to meet with policymakers to discuss the major opportunities and challenges facing the higher education sector.

During their meetings, they spoke with a unified message about the importance of higher education and highlighted joint priorities, which include:

  • Improving awareness and encouraging postsecondary credential attainment by increasing outreach to help students and their families understand the generous financial aid resources available to them.
  • Expanding staffing for critical student support programs, including mental health, basic needs, and counseling services.
  • Fully funding competitive compensation in the next biennial budget to retain and attract high-quality educators and staff, who provide outreach, instruction, and supports to students.

The regents and trustees spoke with passion and represented the higher education sector well. We are fortunate to have such dedicated leaders advocating for higher education.