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Capital budget now out

Lawmakers have released their final capital budget proposal and our Office of Planning and Budgeting has posted an analysis.  Overall, this is a small capital budget, with money transferred to shore up the operating budget.  For the UW, here are some highlights:

Restore the Core:  With the exception of funding $200,000 for the predesign of Anderson Hall, the budget does not provide any additional funds for the UW’s “Restore the Core” package of requests to renovate historic capital buildings on the Seattle campus.

Molecular Engineering Building (Interdisciplinary Academic Building):  The capital budget authorizes the UW to issue bonds financed from building fee and trust land revenues totaling $53.6 million for construction of a new facility for the molecular engineering program.

UW Tacoma Phase 3:  A total of $34 million is provided to renovate the Joy building. This work will provide facilities for additional students.

Safe Campus Project:  The budget provides $8 million from the UW building account for the Safe Campus project.

House of Knowledge Longhouse:  A total of $300,000 in state funding is provided for predesign of the House of Knowledge Longhouse.

You can find the entire analysis and project list here.

We will be posting more details over the weekend as lawmakers work to complete their business before Sunday night’s scheduled adjournment.