General Updates
Grant Runner: PHS Assignment Request Form
The new PHS Assignment Request Form, introduced with the Forms-D changes, is now available in Grant Runner. This new form will be available to all applications in progress as well as new Grant Runner applications where applicable.
SAGE Budget: Update to Tuition Inflation Rate Default Value
The default tuition inflation rate in SAGE Budget has been changed from 10% to 3%, to provide a more realistic figure and reduce the need for manual overwrites.
FIDS: Suppress annual SFI disclosure overdue email
At the request of the Office of Research, the third and final reminder email sent to investigators that have not submitted an SFI disclosures for 365 days will no longer be sent. This final email cc’ed all related principal investigators which caused confusion/frustration.
Error with Attaching Budgets to an eGC1
An issue was resolved which was causing an error when users were attempting to connect SAGE Budgets to an eGC1 under a certain set of circumstances.
Investigator status reverting to Yes on Connect of Budget
An issue was resolved which was causing the investigator flag on the eGC1 personnel list to revert to YES when a user connected a SAGE Budget to an eGC1.
Personnel role selection changes and investigator flags
An issue is resolved which was occurring when a user changed the role type on personnel from one where Investigator status was automatically defaulted to YES (such as PI or Co-PI), to a role where they should be able to designate YES or NO (such as Mentor). The system was not displaying the YES/NO option in these cases until the screen was refreshed. It will now display the correct investigator options in real time.
Object Code 38 (Unallocated) costs in SAGE Budget not itemized in NIH export
An issue has been resolved so that costs in object code 38 (Unallocated) will now be itemized under Other Direct Costs in the SAGE Budget Excel export that matches the NIH Detailed Budget form format.
New Features
eGC1 Permanently Withdrawn status change by user
SAGE users can now permanently withdraw eGC1s that are in “Withdrawn” or “Returned” status. Previously, only OSP could mark eGC1s as “Permanently Withdrawn”. This will provide SAGE users with a way of quickly removing eGC1s from their tasklist that are no longer being considered for submission to a sponsor.
eGC1 Denied by Sponsor status change by user
SAGE users can now mark “Approved” eGC1s as “Denied by Sponsor” and attach related documentation. Previously, only OSP could set eGC1s as “Denied by Sponsor”. This will provide SAGE users with a quick way of clearing eGC1s from their tasklists that are no longer being considered by sponsors, and improve the accuracy of proposal data.
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Once OSP approves the eGC1, this section will display the change history for Personnel on the eGC1.

The following changes are included:
- A person is added or deleted
- A person’s role changes
- A person’s investigator status changes
You can make these changes on the eGC1 or through the Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS). Note that you can only change the PI from the the eGC1. If you change the PI, you will see a warning message with a reminder to contact OSP if sponsor approval is required.
When you copy an eGC1, the Personnel Changes section of the original eGC1 is not included.
For each change, the following information is displayed:
- The Name and employee ID of the person whose information has changed
- The Role Type of the person prior to the change
- The name of the individual who made the change (Entered by)
- The Date and time of the change
- The Action Taken
- Added to eGC1
- Deleted from eGC1
- Investigator status change from <old value> to <new value>
- Role changed from <old value> to <new value>
- SFI value changed from <old value> to <new value>
- Indicated current participation (this change would be made from within FIDS)
This form page is for listing the PD/PI and up to 99 Senior/Key Persons.
Project Director/Principal Investigator
The basic data for the PD/PI is populated for the person you selected in the Wizard. If you need to change the PI or edit some of the information, go to the eGC1’s PI, Personnel, & Organizations page.
If the PI for the eGC1 is different than the PI for the Grant Runner application, use the Application PI role type on the eGC1’s PI, Personnel, & Organizations page. The Application PI’s information will then populate the Key Person Expanded form.
If the directory data is incorrect, please ask the PD/PI to log in to Workday to make any necessary changes.
The following table describes the editable fields for the PD/PI.
Field |
Description |
Credential, e.g. agency login |
Enter the eRA Commons login for the PD/PI. This is a mandatory field for NIH submissions. |
Degree Type |
Enter the highest academic or professional degree earned or other credentials (for example, RN) for the Principal Investigator. |
Degree Year |
Enter the year the highest degree or other credential was obtained. |
Biographical Sketch |
Provide a biographical sketch for PD/PI, being sure to format it as described in the sponsor application instructions. For general attachment information, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments. |
Current and Pending Support |
Note: Unless otherwise required in a specific FOA, do not include this attachment for NIH and other PHS agency submissions. This information is no longer required at the time of application submission.
Attach a list of all current and pending support for the PD/PI (even if they receive no salary support from the project(s)) for ongoing projects and pending applications. Be sure to format it as described in the sponsor application instructions. |
Senior / Key Person Profiles
Use this section to include the additional researchers on the project. For each researcher, you will need to add the same information as for the PD/PI.
To Add a Person
- Click on the Add New Senior/Key Person Profiles button.
- UW Personnel: In the expanded accordion, you can use the Look Up Person in UW Directory button to easily populate the majority of the fields for any UW employee. You can modify the information as needed.
- Non-UW Personnel: You will need to enter at least all of the required data for any non-UW researcher.
- Credential e.g., agency login: Enter the eRA Commons login for the researcher. This is a required field.
- Project Role: If you select “Other Professional” or “Other (Specify)” for the Project Role, you must complete the Other Project Role Category field. If the person will be an additional PD/PI, NIH requires the Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan attachment (on the Research Plan form). Also, see Multiple PIs for additional information about providing assurances. Roles are:
- Co-PD/PI
- Faculty
- Post Doctoral
- Post Doctoral Associate
- Postdoctoral Scholar
- Other Professional
- Graduate Student
- Undergraduate Student
- Technician
- Consultant
- Co-Investigator
- Other (Specify)
- Add a Biographical Sketch (required) and Current & Pending Support (optional) attachments as appropriate for each researcher. For general attachment information, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments
- Click the Collapse link (top or bottom) to close the accordion for this person
You can click Cancel at any time to exit the process of adding a person.
Each person you have added will display in a table on the page, with a few pieces of data to easily identify them. The following image shows an example entry.

To Make Changes: Click on the Expand link on the right to view the details and make any changes to the data entered.
To Remove a Person: Use the Delete link on the far right to remove the person from the list.
Add Researchers Above the Maximum Number
Currently, the maximum number of researchers (PD/PI plus all others) is 100. If you have entered that many but still need to document more, you can use the section at the bottom of the page that displays once you reach the maximum. Add an attachment for each additional person.
New Features
Notification dates were added to the PI & Personnel page.
- To help administrators know when to follow up with investigators, the PI & Personnel Page now displays the date when each investigator was notified by SAGE email to create a disclosure for an eGC1 and when the eGC1 reaches the Just in Time (JIT) phase.
- We fixed several bugs related to PI Assurance so that PI Assurance values will be retained and displayed appropriately. We also corrected all of the eGC1s that were affected by the bugs.
New Features
These changes were made as a result of introducing the new Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS) which integrates with SAGE.
On the eGC1 PI & Personnel page:
- eGC1 Preparers can select Investigator status.
- Disclosure notifications to investigators to complete a disclosure in FIDS can now be sent.
- Each investigator’s SFI status will display based on the information in FIDS.
- The PHS FCOI training status will display.
- The FIDS disclosure status will display.
- Changes may be made to the PI or personnel after the eGC1 has been approved by OSP.
- The history of any post-approval PI or personnel changes will be displayed.
On the Certify & Route page:
- An eGC1 cannot be completed until all investigators have received disclosure notifications.
- The Ready to Submit question cannot be answered as “Yes” until all investigators have completed their disclosures in FIDS.
A new hire must have a UW NetID and UW email account before you can add them to an eGC1. UW departments/divisions may obtain sponsored UW NetIDs for people who are new to the university and whose academic appointments or positions are not yet active.
If the researcher needs access to SAGE to view or edit eGC1s, then you will also need to authorize them with the appropriate role(s) in ASTRA. If the new person will be the PI, they will need the PI role.
Once the NetID is created, you’ll need to use the NetID look up, as a sponsored person is considered a “non-UW person” until their academic appointment or position is active. Once active, you can go back to any eGC1s where they are listed as non-UW and refresh the information.