Tag Archives: Other Activities

If this disclosure is for a CoMotion agreement or IRB approval, this section will appear on the page. The information you add will display in read-only mode.

CoMotion Technology Transfer Agreement

Select this Activity Type, then enter the CoMotion Agreement ID and the Name of Party/Licensee, as show in the following image.

other activities comotion fields

Human Subjects Activity

Select this Activity Type, then enter the Title, Human Subjects Application Number and indicate which IRB(s) will review, as show in the following image.

other activities human subjects fields

The Enter Other Activity page displays when you select “I need to make a disclosure for a CoMotion tech transfer agreement or IRB approval.” on the Disclosure Type page and click Next.

Select either CoMotion Technology Transfer Agreement or Human Subjects Activity.


If you select CoMotion Technology Transfer Agreement, an agreement section will display.

  1. Type in the CoMotion Agreement ID and the name of the person or group holding the license.
  2. Click Next.

The following image shows the CoMotion fields.

other activities comotion fields

Human Subjects

If you select Human Subjects Activity, additional fields will display.

  1. Enter the title and number of your Human Subjects Application.
  2. Select which Institutional Review Boards (IRB) will be reviewing your application.
  3. If you select Other, type in the name of the IRB.
  4. Click Next.

Note: If your human subjects activity is connected to an eGC1, then you should disclose against that eGC1. Click on “FIDS” in the green banner to exit out of this page and return to your Profile page.  From there, you can re-start your disclosure and choose the appropriate eGC1.

The following image shows the Human Subjects Activity fields.

other activities human subjects fields

For either type of disclosure, after clicking Next, follow the instructions for disclosing Significant Financial Interests.

Caution: If you select an activity type, enter in the information, and use the breadcrumb navigation, you will create a pending disclosure. If you do not want to create a disclosure, click on “FIDS” in the green banner, as shown in the following image.

cancel entering other activity

How do I complete an SFI disclosure for a tech transfer license agreement or unsponsored Human Subjects activity?

To create a disclosure:

  1. Go to http://www.washington.edu/research/tools/fids/, and click on Sign In to go to your FIDS profile page.
  2. Scroll down the Profile page to the Action Items section. Click on the Create New Disclosure button.
  3. On the Disclosure Type page, select the second choice “I need to make a disclosure for a CoMotion tech transfer agreement or IRB approval.”
  4. On the Enter Other Activity page, select either “CoMotion Technology Transfer Agreement” or “Human Subjects Activity” and complete the appropriate section.
  5. Click Next and then follow the instructions for disclosing any Significant Financial Interests, and completing the disclosure.

When your disclosure is complete, you will be able to see it listed on your Profile page.

If your disclosure was for a CoMotion technology transfer agreement, the system will send an email notification to license@uw.edu with the following information

  • Disclosure ID
  • Innovator Name
  • Department
  • CoMotion Agreement ID
  • Name of Party/Licensee
  • SFI indication (Yes/No)

It will also request that a copy of the license agreement be sent to the Office of Research at research@uw.edu for the Institutional Official as the disclosure is reviewed.