Nick Bond
October 25, 2023
UW experts offer hot takes on El Niño, weather and ocean temperatures

Five University of Washington experts comment on the current El Niño, its effect on Pacific Northwest winter weather, as well as on regional and global ocean temperature trends.
February 8, 2019
Video: Washington’s state climatologist comments on Puget Sound snowstorms

Nick Bond, Washington’s state climatologist, comments on the unusual weather in Western Washington.
October 2, 2018
Video: Washington’s state climatologist predicts this will be an El Niño year

Washington state climatologist Nick Bond explains what our upcoming El Niño winter means for the Pacific Northwest.
January 11, 2016
Northwest winter weather: El Niño, coastal effects, no more ‘blob’

What some have called the “Godzilla El Niño” is now lumbering ashore, right on schedule. El Niño tends to influence North American weather after the first of January, and indeed, we’re seeing warm temperatures in Alaska and much-needed rain in California. University of Washington researchers are tracking what the season will deliver to the Pacific…
January 6, 2016
UW climate scientists to give free talks at Mt. Baker Ski Area

UW scientists will give free talks on climate change for three consecutive Saturdays at Mt. Baker Ski Area.
April 9, 2015
‘Warm blob’ in Pacific Ocean linked to weird weather across the U.S.

A patch of warm water off the West Coast, nicknamed “the blob” by a UW scientist, is part of a larger shift in the Pacific Ocean that may be responsible for widespread weather changes.
November 18, 2013
Post-shutdown, UW Arctic research flights resume

UW researchers this month are on missions to fly above the Arctic Ocean to measure glacier melt, polar storms and Arctic sea ice.
August 30, 2013
New ocean forecast could help predict fish habitat six months in advance

UW researchers and federal scientists have developed the first long-term seasonal forecast of conditions for the Northwest ocean ecosystem.
July 19, 2013
Nighttime heat waves quadruple in Pacific Northwest

Nighttime heat waves — events where the nighttime low is unusually hot for at least three days in a row — are becoming more common in western Washington and Oregon.
December 31, 2012
In rain and snow at home, Seahawks much more likely to win

The Seahawks win four times as many home games as they lose when the weather is inclement, compared to less than two to one when it’s not.