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Faculty Spotlight: Jessica Luke

By Linda Lee Growing up, the slightest age difference could make a world of difference. I remember looking at students a few grades above me in middle school and swearing they already wore the fatigue and facial hair of tax paying adults. The age gap shrinks as we all walk in tandem towards earlier bedtimes, excessive vitamin consumption, and crippling hangovers, and suddenly, we enter grad school and speak to our professors on a first name basis. The beauty of…

Student experience in the Specialization in Museum Evaluation

Since the start of this specialization in 2010, 114 students have completed the Specialization in Evaluation and completed 36 projects. Previous evaluation studies have explored topics such as: family learning, visitor expectations/satisfaction, visitor behavior and experiences, museum resource utilization, and school group engagement. This year’s 2021 cohort has a record high number of students completing the specialization, with 18 students carrying out 5 projects with museums in the Seattle area.    To provide some insight into the experiences of our students…

Faculty/Course Spotlight – Geneva Griswold

This blog is part of the Museology Faculty/Course spotlight series, which consists of short interviews with our new faculty to discuss and reflect on inclusive teaching, their learning outcomes, some of their course highlights, and what they learned from their teaching experience. Our next spotlight is with Geneva Griswold, who is a guest lecturer with the program and taught the Sustainability in Museology course. Her responses are below: Where did you draw inspiration or what was your impetus for creating…

Internship Spotlight – Marie Baeta

This post is part of an Internship Spotlight series, which consists of short interviews with our students who have completed internship positions. The interview reflects on what the student learned from the experience and any advice they’d give to individuals looking for internships. Our next spotlight is with Marie Baeta, a second year UW Museology Student. Her responses are below:  What organization did you intern with and can you tell me what you did in your internship?   I interned with Access…

Museology Community Building

While this academic year has looked different with our students learning in an online environment and zooming in from different places, the Museology Graduate program and its students have worked to build community between students, faculty and staff. One of the ways that community is being built in the program is through our student groups. The Museology program currently has three active student groups: 2+1, Museologists for Climate Justice (MCJ), and Museologists for Dismantling Racism (MDR). Each of these groups…