Find your focus
Thesis is an opportunity to engage in real-world problem solving in a museum context, either using inquiry or practice.
Two thesis options
We offer two options for thesis: research or project. Both options may be completed individually or as a group. The research thesis results in an article published to our online journal, MuseumsForward. The project thesis deliverables are a digital project poster and a recorded lightning talk, both published to MuseumsFoward.
Research learning
- Understand best practices within the research process
- Familiarize themselves with relevant literature in area of interest
- Think about how their research can inform practice in museums
- Learn about their own strengths and weaknesses through the research process
Project learning
- Understand project management
- Develop insight into area of interest
- Strengthen oral & written communication skills
- Gain confidence in abilities as a collaborator and project manager
- Be able to reflect on and assess strengths and weaknesses as a museum professional