Office of Educational Assessment

Understanding Score Rosters

Score rosters list the names, student numbers, section and exam scores for all students in the bookkeeping files, or, if bookkeeping is not used, all students whose answer sheets were scored on the current scoring run. Several score names may be requested, and you may specify that the rosters be ordered alphabetically, numerically, or by student score. A separate roster will be provided for each order.

Score Roster Types

Score Roster Ordered by Student Name. A score roster ordered by student name is shown below. Answer sheets without last names or with a blank in the first position of the name field will appear at the top of the roster. Students who did not submit an answer sheet in the current scoring run will not have a sheet and version number or a score for the test. Students who enter their ID differently on two or more answer sheets will appear more than once on the roster if it is for a bookkeeping account.

Sample score roster ordered by student name (12K PDF)

Score Roster Ordered by Student Number. The sample report below shows a score roster in student number order. Answer sheets in the current scoring run which do not have ID numbers, or with a blank in the first position of the student number field, will appear at the top of the roster.

Sample score roster by student number (9K PDF)

Score Roster Ordered by Last 4 Digits of the Student Number. The sample report below shows a score roster suitable for posting, which is ordered by the last 4 digits of the student number. Answer sheets in the current scoring run which do not have ID numbers, or with a blank in the first position of the student number field, will appear at the top of the roster.

Sample score roster ordered by last 4 digits of student numbers (10K PDF)

Score Roster High Score to Low. The sample report below shows a score roster in which the order is based on the highest to lowest scores. In the sample shown, there are multiple scores for each student (midterm tests and an exam). The sorting is based on the total of all tests and exams. If the roster were for a single test or exam, of course, the order would be based on those scores.

Sample score roster ordered scores, high to low (9K PDF)

Key to Reading the Sample Rosters

Column Heading Description
Sheet & Version Sequential number printed on each answer sheet as the batch is scanned, and exam version if marked on answer sheet
Student Name Name of student as entered in this field of the answer sheet
Section Course section (e.g., AA, AB, etc.), for those students who filled it in
Student Number Student ID number
Test Scores Student scores for listed score names