The Approval Graph for an application is based on:
- The Cost Center Receiving Funding ID
- Any cost sharing Cost Center IDs
- Any additional Cost Center IDs listed on the “PI, Personnel & Organizations” page
- Any facilities or centers identified in the compliance section of the eGC1
- Cost Center for the PI and personnel listed on the eGC1
- Primary position unit’s Cost Center ID, if different from the selected unit, for the PI and personnel listed on the eGC1
Use the Additional Organizational Unit Reviewers section if this application requires the approval of any additional departments or units (not identified by the above categories) for:
- Joint Appointment Units
- TBA Personnel Units
- Space and/or Resources
- Other (for example, CoMotion)
Note: Only add those units not already represented on the approval graph.
You must add at least the Cost Center Receiving Funding on the Details page and the PI before SAGE can generate a draft approval graph. When that is done, you will see a “View draft approval graph” link below and to the right of this section. The graph will update as you add additional reviewers.
Select Look Up Cost Center (or Add another Cost Center) at the bottom left of this section to add the Cost Center Number and Name. You must then select the appropriate Approval Rule Type from the drop-down menu and add Comments.
The following image shows an example of an added organization for a joint appointment.

Use the Delete link to the right of the added department or unit to remove it from the list. The system will prompt you for a confirmation of the deletion.
The Common Interdisciplinary Organizational Unit Reviewers section of the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page allows you to select one or more units for your application.
The units are:
- Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD)
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI)
- Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
- Radiology Services
- Primate Center (only on historic applications)
Selecting a unit automatically adds their reviewers to the approval flow.
In addition, if you select ADAI, and/or Radiology Services, the School of Medicine will be added as a Watcher.
New Features
Additional FG-3 compliance question validation for RRF eGC1s
- eGC1s that have Royalty Research Fund (RRF) as the sponsor will display a validation error if question FG-3, the question about F&A cost reimbursement, on the Compliance Questions page is marked as ‘Yes’. RRF requires FG-3 to always be marked as ‘No’, so this validation error is intended to ensure that the eGC1 preparer selects the correct response prior to completing the eGC1.
Increase character limit in “Reason” field when adding Approvers and Watchers
- The “Provide a reason” field when adding an Approver or Watcher on the Approval Flow Screen has been increased from 250 characters to 1000. Department and School reviewers who add additional Approvers and Watchers like to include detailed instructions in that comment box and needed a higher character limit.
We now will show all recipients on the TO line of SAGE auto-generated email notifications.
- SAGE users will be able to see all persons who received the same Auto-generated SAGE email on the TO: line of the email. This was a frequent request from campus through our help desk and survey responses.
Inadvertent sending of disclosure notifications
- Fixed the system to prevent investigators from receiving disclosure notifications when an old awarded eGC1 is opened. The system will now only trigger disclosure notifications when there is an investigator change made to the eGC1 (addition of an investigator or change of personnel to an investigator role).
HSD JIT email notifications are suppressed for RRF eGC1s
- Human Subjects Just-In-Time emails will no longer be sent to the owners of eGC1s where the Royalty Research Fund (RRF) is the sponsor. RRF is an internal UW sponsor and operates differently than external sponsors. Unique characteristics of RRF opportunities include shorter application/review/award timelines and the lack of “fundable score” notifications. These unique characteristics therefore made the Human Subjects JIT email irrelevant and confusing for the owners of the eGC1.
New clarifying message displayed when clicking on Investigator Disclosure History and FIDS Profile is not yet established
- If an Investigator has never completed a disclosure in FIDS, or does not have any disclosure history for the past 12 months, a new user-friendly message stating there is no history will display when the Investigator Disclosure History link is clicked.
New error message displayed when you have attachment upload errors due to hidden or invalid characters in file name
- A new error message will display in SAGE if you attempt to upload eGC1 attachments with invalid characters in the file name. To correct this issue, rename the file on your computer by directly typing in the characters before attempting to upload it in SAGE.