Create a Modification Request

Note: Modification Requests can be created by anyone with “owner” or “can edit” access on the processed Award Setup Request for the Award being modified.

  • For converted awards, the eGC1 “owner” or key personnel with “read/write” privileges can create a Modification Request since there is no Award Setup Request.

Select the Awards tab, and then select the Create a Request link. It opens a menu with the following choices:

  • Award Setup Request
  • Modification Request (OSP/GCA)
    • Involvement needed from OSP and GCA
  • Modification Request (GCA)
    • Only GCA needs to review

The following image shows the expanded Create a Request menu:

create a request menu expanded

Select the appropriate modification:

  • Use Modification Request (OSP/GCA) for all changes that require sponsor approval, an authorized official signature, or review from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
  • Use Modification Request (GCA) for requests that do not need OSP review and can be submitted directly to Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA).

Additional resources to help clarify which modification type to select:

Note: If you select Modification Request (GCA) when the request needs to be reviewed by both GCA and OSP, GCA will return the Modification Request to you and you will need to delete the request and start over.

Once you select the modification type, a Create Modification Request dialog window displays. Search for, and then select, the award associated with the modification request. You must have read/write access to the processed Award Setup Request to create a modification to the award.

Search for the award you want to modify by its Workday Award ID, for example: AWD-11111

create a modification request dialog window

A new Modification Request will display with the status of Composing.