Tag Archives: Notification

AUMS Notifications

The AUMS system sends email notifications related to animal use medical screening. Each one is listed below along with the conditions that generate the email being sent as well as who the email is sent to (we can never promise that messages are received). Emails are sent to the email address in the Applicant Profile.

Email Purpose Sent When Sent To
Consultation Required To let the applicant know that a consultation with the Occupational Health Nurse (OHN) is required. The OHN selects “Consult Required” for the application The applicant
Animal Use Medical Screening Clearance To let the applicant know that the Occupational Health Nurse has completed reviewing the application. Includes a PDF attachment of the letter (see images below). The OHN selects “Review Complete” for the application The applicant
Recall Date Set To let the Office of Animal Welfare and the Occupational Health and Biosafety Specialist know the recall date for the applicant. The OHN fills in a recall date and marks the application “Review Complete” OAWrss@uw.edu
Medical Screening Renewal Reminder To let the applicant know their Animal Use Medical Screening clearance is due to expire, if their status is “Active” The reminder email is sent 5 weeks prior to the recall date, and again 1 week prior to the recall date, if needed. The applicant
Medical Screening Expired Notice To let the applicant know their Animal Use Medical Screening clearance has expired, if their status is “Active” An email is sent the day after the recall date. The applicant and the Supervisor or PI listed on their profile


Example clearance letter for a completed application

example clearance letter

Example clearance letter when screening is declined

example declined application clearance


Will I be notified when I need to renew my medical clearance?

You will be able to view your recall date in the Applicant History section of AUMS.

How will I be notified when I have received medical clearance?

You will receive an email message when the review is completed. For your protection, the message will contain a link back to the online AUMS tool where you may log in to see the results of the review.

December 2015 Maintenance Release


Remove “Additional Department” and “Form Type” and derive AUMS form type from new animal handling question

To ensure AUMS applicants receive the appropriate set of questions, the “Form Type” and “Additional Department” fields have been removed and replaced by a single question that displays before starting an AUMS questionnaire.


Remove ohnnurse@uw.edu email address from OAW email CC

The EH&S Occupational Health Nurse (OHN) has been removed as a CC on the email sent to the Office of Animal Welfare upon completion of an AUMS review. OHNs can use the AUMS system to track which applications have reached Review Complete status. The address added was incorrect.

October 2015 Maintenance Release


Make Applicant Age Range required

Age Range is now required for all AUMS profiles upon application creation or profile update. The Age Range field is now also visible for all profile types in OHN. This will ensure the Occupational Health Nurses can take the necessary additional steps required if an applicant is a minor or if age may be a related factor in their health condition.

Auto-Notification to OAW upon Review Completion

An automated email process has been created to inform OAW of each review completion upon application status becoming “Review Completed”. The email will include these data points: applicant’s name, email and their AUMS recall date. This notification will allow OAW to receive clearance information in real time (when review of an application or declination is completed) so OAW can process approval of protocols immediately.

Make submission notification more prominent

To make the application completion acknowledgment more prominent to users, and to minimize unnecessary application re-submission to AUMS caused by lack of clear acknowledgement, the font size of the confirmation has been increased, and unnecessary elements have been removed from the page.

Make Supervisor or PI a mandatory entry for UW or Non-UW Affiliates

In order to connect an Affiliated applicant (who doesn’t have an existing UW profile) to a UW person or department who sent them, the “Supervisor or PI” entry is now required for all affiliated applicants. The screen labels for this field have also been standardized and updated to “Supervisor or Principal Investigator (PI)” for all profiles.

October 2014 Maintenance Release


Email content update

An update has been made to the content of the AUMS review decision email, to direct applicants to the email attachment for decision details, instead of to the AUMS application, which was proving to be confusing for the recipients.

Under-18 Consult Required

For AUMS applicants who select an age range of “Under 18”, the Review Action will now default to “Consult Required”.

May 2014 Maintenance Release

Bug Fixes

Email button displays and causes 99 error when no email address is present

The “Send Consult Notification Email” button will no longer display for for Occupational Health Nurses when completing their review in AUMS with the profile does not contain an email address.

January 2014 Maintenance Release


Send AUMS automatic emails to Non-UW profile users at review complete.

Email is no longer a required field for Non-UW profiles entered by OHN staff. If an email is present then these Non-UW profile users will receive automated emails that contain clearance/denial letters upon review complete.