Tag Archives: Review

Animal Use Medical Screening (AUMS) is a component of the UW Occupational Health Program. The EH&S occupational health nurse (OHN) is responsible for administering and managing the AUMS. EH&S offers medical screening to all faculty, staff, visiting scholars, veterinary staff, animal husbandry staff, and students who work directly with animals, unfixed animal tissues or body fluids. It is also offered to others who conduct activities in the animal care and use environment (for example, facilities and maintenance staff).

Access AUMS to complete and submit an application for review by the occupational health nurses. Anyone with a UW NetID can access the online version of AUMS.

What happens when I submit my online AUMS application?

Applications are routed to the Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Occupational Health Nurses for review.

October 2014 Maintenance Release


Email content update

An update has been made to the content of the AUMS review decision email, to direct applicants to the email attachment for decision details, instead of to the AUMS application, which was proving to be confusing for the recipients.

Under-18 Consult Required

For AUMS applicants who select an age range of “Under 18”, the Review Action will now default to “Consult Required”.