UW News

June 3, 2010

Etc. Campus news& notes

LIFETIME ACHIEVER: Psychology Professor Alan Marlatt will receive the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy’s Career/Lifetime Achievement Award at the Association’s convention in San Francisco in mid-November.

PSYCH HONORS: The Department of Psychology has announced its annual awards. The Distinguished Teaching Award for graduate students, given for outstanding service and excellence in teaching, goes to Andrew Bock and Sarah Jensen Racz. The Distinguished Service Award for co-authoring a successful proposal which resulted in a major upgrade of department computing facilities for graduate and undergraduate students goes to Andrew Bock and Rick Anthony Cruz. The Graduate Student Service Awards honoring graduate students who have consistently demonstrated service to the Department of Psychology as a whole and to the graduate student community specifically goes to Andrew Bock, Rick Anthony Cruz, Lori Wu Malahy and Clara Wilkins. The Earl (Buz) and Mary Lou Hunt Endowed Fellowship for Graduate Students in Psychology, given to graduate students conducting research outside their advisers’ grants goes to Berit Olsen and Tami Rigterink. Winners of the Alcor Graduate Fellowships, given by the late Harry and Claire Peterson to support graduate students in the summer, are Andrew Bock, Benjamin Drury, Gareth Holman and Berit Olsen. And the Davida Teller Distinguished Faculty Mentor Award, given by the Graduate Program Action Committee for outstanding service to and excellence in graduate mentorship and training goes to Theodore Beauchaine.