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Update from State Relations: Floor Action

Members of both the House and Senate have wrapped up initial committee hearings and are now spending time on their respective floors debating and casting their votes on various pieces of legislation. Here are a few priority bills for the university that have passed either the Senate or House so far:

The “critical care” bill (SB 5631), as mentioned in our previous post, passed out of the Senate with strong bi-partisan support on Tuesday afternoon. SB 5631 will now move over to the House Higher Education committee.

Senate voting for the passage of SB 5631
Senate voting for the passage of SB 5631

In January, State Relations testified in support of HB 1107, which removes the term “branch” as an identifying term for extension campuses – something that the university has already eliminated from practice. On February 1, HB 1107 passed with overwhelming bi-paritsan support in the House.

The biggest news of the week came on Tuesday when the Senate chamber unanimously voted to confirm Austin Wright-Pettibone as the student regent for the university. Congratulations to Austin!

Student Regent Austin Wright-Pettibone addressing the Senate Higher Education committee
Student Regent Austin Wright-Pettibone addressing the Senate Higher Education committee

Here are two bills that we would like to keep moving after cutoff on Wednesday, March 8:

HB 1433: Decouples services and activities fees from tuition and is supported by ASUW.

Student reps expressing enthusiasm for HB 1433
Student reps expressing enthusiasm for HB 1433

SB 5525: Concerns veterans’ mental health services across higher education institutions and is strongly supported by our students.


To keep up with the latest from Olympia, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have any questions about state topics, please call 206-543-7604.

News from Olympia: Legislative Session Day 43

The State Relations team has been working overtime coming off of policy cutoff last Friday and gearing up for fiscal cutoff on Friday, February 24! Here are a few highlights from our past couple of weeks:

To date, we’ve successfully passed the critical care roster reauthorization bill out of both the House and Senate Higher Education committees with bipartisan support. The “critical care” bill reinforces a commitment to public health by ensuring that renovations and project upgrades at UW Medical facilities are executed by listed firms on a “critical care roster” with proven expertise and capacity.

Additionally, there was a successful hearing on Wednesday, February 15 on the leasehold excise tax (LET) bill in the Senate Ways and Means committee. The LET bill seeks to reinstate a tax credit to restore fair and equitable tax treatment for tenants of properties publicly owned by research universities and Washington State’s major international airports.  Testimony on the LET bill was provided by Joe Dacca, Director of State Relations, and Tom Schappacher, Real Estate Director of Finance.

Joe Dacca and Tom Schappacher testifying to the Senate Ways and Means committee
Joe Dacca and Tom Schappacher testifying to the Senate Ways and Means committee

President Ana Mari Cauce visited Olympia on Tuesday, February 7 to participate in Huskies on the Hill and State Need Grant Advocacy Day. During her visit, she had an opportunity to meet with members, students, and alumni. Read more here.

President Cauce at the Huskies on the Hill rally
President Cauce at the Huskies on the Hill rally

Dean Michael Bragg from the College of Engineering came to Olympia on Thursday, February 9 to advocate for funding to expand enrollment in engineering as a part of our STEM degree request in our legislative agenda.

On Tuesday, February 14,  Ali Mokdad Professor of Global Health, Epidemiology, and Health Services, and Derek Fulwiler, Director of Project Strategy and Communications, visited Olympia to meet with members in the House and Senate to talk about the University’s Population Health Initiative. Read more about the initiative here.

Derek and Ali
Derek Fulwiler and Ali Mokdad at the Gallery overlooking the House Floor inside the Legislative Building

Policy cutoff week wrapped with the opening of the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds facility on Thursday, February 16. The facility is housed at the Clean Energy Institute at the University. Governor Jay Inslee delivered a keynote speech and toured the facility in celebration of the University’s continued innovation and leadership.

Governor Inslee at Clean Energy Testbeds Facility Governor Inslee Cutting the Ribbon

To keep up with the latest from Olympia, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have any questions about state topics, please call 206-543-7604.


President Ana Mari Cauce visits Olympia—February 7

President Ana Mari Cauce visited Olympia yesterday to continue her outreach to members in the House and Senate regarding the University’s 2017 legislative priorities, as well as engage with students and alumni for State Need Grant advocacy day and Huskies on the Hill. Here are highlights from President Cauce’s visit:

President Cauce participated in the Huskies on the Hill rally after a morning of meetings with members.

President Cauce at Huskies on the Hill rally.
President Cauce at Huskies on the Hill rally.

During the rally, President Cauce and students had an opportunity to listen to keynote speakers such as Attorney General Bob Ferguson and Washington Student Association executive director Elissa Goss.

Bob speaking at rally               Ana Mari with Bob and Students 2-7-17

After the rally, President Cauce had lunch with House and Senate interns from all three UW campuses.

Ana Mari with Interns Ana Mari with Students 2

President Cauce concluded her Olympia visit with additional member meetings.


To keep up with the latest from Olympia, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have any questions about state topics, please call 206-543-7604.

News from Olympia: Legislative Session Day 26

We are nearing completion of our first full month in session! Here are a few highlights:

On Thursday, January 26, Dr. Chuck Murray from UW Medicine facilitated a presentation on cell regeneration to members of the Legislature.

Dr. Chuck Murray presenting to Legislators
Dr. Chuck Murray presenting to Legislators

UW faculty representative, JoAnn Taricani testified in support of HB 1561 regarding textbooks and open educational resources (OER) in the House Higher Education committee on Tuesday, January 31.

JoAnn Taricani testifying to the House Higher Education committee
JoAnn Taricani testifying to the House Higher Education committee

That same day, student representatives Alex Wirth from UW-Seattle and Anna Nepomuceno from UW-Tacoma testified in support of HB 1561  to the House Higher Education committee as well as provided a presentation on the impact of textbook costs on students in the Senate Higher Education committee.

Alex Wirth presenting to the Senate Higher Education committee
Alex Wirth presenting to the Senate Higher Education committee
Anna Nepomuceno presenting to the Senate Higher Education committee
Anna Nepomuceno presenting to the Senate Higher Education committee

Dr. Philip Reid, Vice Provost of Academic and Student Affairs, shared his perspective of teaching requirements and faculty workload to the Senate Higher Education committee on Tuesday, January 31.

Dr. Philip Reid talking to the Senate Higher Education committee
Dr. Philip Reid talking to the Senate Higher Education committee

February 2 was Regents and Trustees Day, with thirty representatives from four-and two-year institutions across the state of Washington traveling to the capitol to advocate for higher education. The group met with legislators from the House and Senate, concluding with a meeting with Governor Jay Inslee.

Regents and Trustees at Capitol 2-2-17 UW Regents with Randy 2-2-17  Regents and Trustees with Gov Regents and Trustees 2-2-17

To keep up with the latest from Olympia, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have any questions about state topics, please call 206-543-7604.

President Ana Mari Cauce visits Olympia – January 24

Yesterday, President Ana Mari Cauce visited Olympia to advocate for the University’s 2017 legislative priorities.

She kicked off the morning at the Senate Higher Education committee for a joint presentation with Dr. Suzanne Allen, vice dean for academic, rural and regional affairs at the UW School of Medicine, Ian Goodhew, director of government relations for UW Medicine, and Dr. Courtney Law, director of the Regional Health Partnership with Gonzaga University, to talk about the importance of increasing the number of Washington students in the WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, Idaho) program in Spokane and the university’s leadership in community-based medical education.

President Cauce speaking to the Senate Higher Education Committee
President Cauce with staff from the UW Medical School speaking to the Senate Higher Education committee

Following the presentation, President Cauce met with a bi-partisan group of House and Senate members. She also sat down with student legislative representatives from ASUW, ASUW Bothell, ASUW Tacoma and the Graduate and Professional Student Senate.

AMC with Student Reps 1-24-17
President Cauce with student reps from UW campuses

President Cauce wrapped up the afternoon with a second presentation to the Senate Ways and Means committee, along with presidents from Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions, to provide an update on higher education.

President Cauce speaking to the Senate Ways and Means committee
President Cauce speaking to the Senate Ways and Means committee

The day ended with an evening reception hosted by the Council of Presidents where President Cauce connected with other university and community college leaders, legislators and champions for higher education.

President Cauce and Sen. Fain at the COP reception
President Cauce and Sen. Fain at the COP reception
President Cauce at COP Reception with UW staff and Paul Francis, executive director of the COP

To keep up with the latest from Olympia, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have any questions about state topics, please call 206-543-7604.

UW releases 2017 state legislative agenda

Just in time for the start of the 2017 legislative session, the University of Washington released its legislative priorities. Here’s an overview of key priorities from the agenda:

Operating Budget Priorities

Competing for excellence:

As a world-class academic and research institution, the UW is dedicated to retaining and attracting the best faculty and staff who provide a world-class educational experience to our students. As a means of investing in talented educators, the UW requests funding for competitive compensation.

Investing in proven strategies to ensure student success:

It is critical that historically underserved students are supported to boost retention, graduation, and career preparation in high demand fields. Delivered through a tri-campus initiative, UW requests $5.1 million to expand programming and bolster support to underserved students.

Additionally, the UW supports full funding of the State Need Grant, which provides financial assistance to low-income students pursuing a higher education in Washington. More than 24,000 students who are eligible for the State Need Grant have not had access due to lack of funding.

Targeted investments to serve the needs of the state:

Washington currently faces severe workforce shortages in areas related to healthcare, computer science, and engineering. To combat this problem, UW is requesting $9.3 million to invest in rural health care professionals and another $16 million to invest in engineering, computer science, and ocean engineering and cyber operations.

Key Capital Investments

Seismic improvements

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff are of paramount importance at the UW. At the Seattle campus, there are masonry buildings in need of major reinforced upgrades to reduce the risk of collapse in case of an earthquake. The UW seeks $25 million to upgrade multiple buildings in critical need of repair.

Population Health sciences

In an effort to support and improve the health and well-being of communities both in Washington and globally, the UW requests $20 million for a Population Health research building. An additional $10 million is requested for the design of a shared Health Sciences classroom facility to replace the Magnuson Health Sciences Teaching Center (T-wing).

Accommodating growth

UW Bothell and UW Tacoma are experiencing rapid student enrollment in high-demand programs. In response to the increasing growth, UW requests $3.5 million in predesign and design funding to accommodate the academic needs of students.

Parrington Hall renovation

Enrollment has doubled in the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance. Parrington Hall, one of the oldest buildings on campus and home of the Evans School, is in need of maintenance and renovation. The UW requests $10 million for construction.

Burke Museum

The Burke Museum provides diverse science and cultural programming to schools, communities, and families. In an effort to increase programming and access, the Burke Museum is in the process of constructing a new facility on campus. To complete construction, $24.2 million is requested by UW.

Washington Competes

The University is committed to partnering with other statewide public baccalaureate institutions, community and technical colleges, and independent colleges to advance a jointly supported agenda focused on increasing investments in higher education to bolster student success. Read more about Washington Competes here.

Update from State Relations: September 2016

September was a busy month for the State Relations office, starting with the arrival of our new director, Bernard Dean, on September 1. He has been busy learning about UW’s programs and meeting with as many students, faculty, and staff as possible prior to the start of the 2017 legislative session in Olympia.

Here are a few highlights from last month:

On September 13, President Cauce spoke at the Association of Washington Business 2016 Policy Summit with Washington State University President Kirk Schulz. You can watch their discussion on TVW, starting at the 5:45 minute mark.

On September 23, the university celebrated the cornerstone laying for the new home of the Global Innovation Exchange (GIX) in Bellevue. The event was well attended, and included Governor Inslee, King County Executive Dow Constantine, Tsinghua University President Yong Qiu and many others. Learn more about the unique partnership between UW and Tsinghua University here.

GIX 9-23-16
President Cauce at GIX cornerstone laying celebration.


September 26 was moving day for the State Relations team in Olympia. You can find our new office space at:

410 11th Ave SE, Suite 103 Olympia, WA 98501

If you are visiting the capitol during the next legislative session, be sure to say hello!

To keep up with the latest from Olympia, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have any questions about state topics, please call 206-543-7604.

Legislative overtime: Special session enters week two

Last week, the legislature was unable to pass supplemental budgets and finish their work by day 60. Just hours before midnight, Governor Inslee called the legislature into special session to finish their budget work, starting the up-to-30-day clock on March 10.

At the same time, the governor took action on 37 bills passed earlier in session. Following through on a commitment earlier in the week to veto bills if a budget deal wasn’t reached, he vetoed 27 bills and allowed 10 to be enacted for public health and safety justifications.

The following day, as rank-and-file members began to depart Olympia, the Senate Ways & Means committee held a public hearing on a new Majority Coalition Caucus operating budget offer.

Negotiators remain at the capitol and continue to meet and exchange proposals, but progress is slow going. UW continues to speak with budget writers on all sides, making certain that lawmakers are keenly aware of the most important items for the university.

A side note: There was one bright purple-and-gold spot in the final stretch of legislative session. The UW Huskies men’s rowing team visited Olympia, receiving congratulations from Governor Inslee and several legislators for their 5th consecutive national championship title. So proud of them!

UW Rowing at state legislature
Members of the UW men’s rowing team and coaches on the steps of the state legislative building in Olympia, WA, on March 7, 2016.

Closing the gap in engineering

Meet UW professor Eve Riskin, who along with her colleague, Joyce Yen are closing the gender gap in engineering. They have created the Leadership Excellence for Academic Diversity, or LEAD workshops, to teach other schools to follow the example of the UW with an on-line course LEAD-it-Yourself.