December 2017 SAGE Grant Runner Release

FORMS-E Changes to Existing Forms

NIH will require the use of FORMS-E application packages for due dates on or after January 25, 2018.  Grant Runner now includes the FORMS-E version for the following agency specific forms.  

  • PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement
  • PHS 398 Research Plan
  • PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental
  • PHS 398 Modular Budget (expire date change only)
  • PHS Assignment Request
  • PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information (New!!)

Federal-wide form updates that will also be incorporated into FORMS-E packages, and which are supported by Grant Runner, include:

  • RR Budget and Subaward Budget
  • RR Other Project information

NIH Form Change Resources

Review more information on:

High level FORMS-E summary of changes across all impacted forms

NIH: New Human Subjects Clinical Trial Form

NIH: FAQS for Application Forms, Form Updates, and Choosing the Correct Forms

New Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form

Grant Runner now includes the new PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form.  You will have the option of completing the form in its entirety directly in Grant Runner, or importing a completed PDF version of the form into Grant Runner.  Due to the length of this form, it is recommended that you preview the form in Grant Runner or in PDF format, early in the proposal development process to plan appropriately for the information collection involved.

SAGE Subawards

Subrecipient Re-Certification Status and Form

When completing the subaward request in SAGE, a prompt will display below the subrecipient’s name if their certification status is in an expired state and needs re-certification. This prompt will have a link to the Subrecipient Certification PDF form that can be uploaded in the Attachments section of the Subaward Request once completed. Attachment of the Subrecipient Certification form is not required prior to submission of the subaward request. This status prompt and link will also display in the Subaward Overview Summary section.


Non-Award Agreement Application Types

SAGE now provides a dedicated, streamlined eGC1 format for submitting Non-Award Agreements to OSP by requiring only the set of fields necessary for these application types. You will now select Application Types “Non-Award Agreement (new)” or “Non-Award Agreement (continuation)” for the following types of agreement:

  • Confidentiality Agreement
  • Data Use Agreement
  • Memorandum of Understanding
  • Unfunded Collaborative Agreement
  • Unfunded Research Agreement
  • Affiliation Agreement
  • Material Transfer Agreement

Note that you should select “Non-Award Agreement (continuation)” to extend an existing agreement beyond the initial term.

Activity Locations Survey

We want your feedback on the new look and feel of the Activity Locations page. Click the “Give Feedback” link at the top of that page and let us know what you do/don’t like about the design as we evaluate updates to other parts of SAGE.