September 28, 2023
Protecting yourself against COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses (Message to the UW community)
This message is being sent to students, staff, faculty and academic personnel across the University of Washington. Dear UW community, Welcome to a new academic year at the University of Washington! As we begin autumn quarter, I’m writing on behalf of the UW’s Advisory Committee on Communicable Diseases to share steps we can all take…
July 6, 2023
Updated masking policy for healthcare workers (Message to UW Medicine employees)
Based on current levels of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths, and subject to some exceptions, masking will no longer be required in all public and clinical settings as of Monday, July 10. Healthcare workers are required to wear a mask in higher risk spaces and with specific patient populations as well as when requested to by a patient, or when a patient is wearing one. The masking policy is subject to change if there are signs of increased COVID-19 or other respiratory illness activity in the community.
June 14, 2023
UW Medicine employee COVID-19 vaccination policy update (Message to UW Medicine employees)
UW Medicine has updated the policy for COVID-19 vaccination compliance, effective June 12, 2023, for all healthcare workers. UW School of Medicine employees who do not work in clinical spaces should refer to UW Environmental Health & Safety for their compliance requirements.
June 1, 2023
Husky Coronavirus Testing ending June 16th (Message to study participants)
The Husky Coronavirus Testing study will be ending with the conclusion of this academic year and will not return in the fall. The last day of PCR testing will be Friday, June 16th, 2023.
May 8, 2023
Changes to University COVID-19 policies (Message to the UW community)
With the improved public health situation and the ending of state and federal emergency orders, the UW is changing several coronavirus-related policies.
Univ. of Washington ending COVID-19 vaccination requirement for most students (Message to admitted students)
We are changing our COVID-19 vaccination policy. Starting with the summer quarter 2023, most students will no longer need to submit proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or receive an approved exemption.
March 30, 2023
Face coverings continue to be required in UW healthcare facilities after April 3
The University of Washington will continue to require facemasks in healthcare and clinical facilities after the statewide healthcare mask order from the Washington State Secretary of Health ends on April 3, 2023.
December 8, 2022
Preparing for a healthy winter break (Message to the UW community)
As we approach the winter break, Dr. Geoff Gottlieb updates the UW community on current public health conditions and to share steps we each can take to stay healthy in the face of the several respiratory viral illnesses that are circulating in our community. This will help protect individual health and the health of our entire community and put us in good position for the start of an in-person winter quarter next month.
October 31, 2022
UW COVID-19 vaccination requirement to continue (Message to the UW community)
On behalf of the UW’s Advisory Committee on Communicable Diseases, Dr. Geoff Gottlieb is providing an update the continuation of the University’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement after the Governor’s emergency proclamation ends Oct. 31. This message also includes steps you can take to protect against respiratory illnesses this winter, including by getting an updated COVID-19 booster and a flu shot.
October 21, 2022
Stay healthy: Schedule your COVID-19 updated booster and flu shot now (Message to UW Medicine patients)
UW Medicine encourages all eligible people to schedule their COVID-19 vaccines and annual flu shots now. The new bivalent boosters from Pfizer and Moderna provide protection against the original virus that causes COVID-19 and omicron variants. UW Medical Center – Northwest and UW Medical Center – Montlake have many appointments available for the new boosters, but only for a limited time.
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