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CUCAC agenda, November 2023

City of Seattle/University of Washington Citizen Advisory Committee (CUCAC) Meeting

Provided here is notification that the CUCAC will hold its next meeting on November 14.

Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Location (In-person): UW Tower
4333 Brooklyn Ave NE, 22nd Floor Boardroom
Seattle, WA 98105

NOTE: Upon arrival, all visitors must check in at the UW Tower security desk in the ground-floor lobby.

Virtual Option: Webex Link
Dial-in/Access Code
: 1-206-207-1700 / 2491 640 3746


Meeting materials:

Also, attached, please find a “Joining A WebEx Event for External Users” and “Joining A WebEx for Mobile App” for your reference.