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Lawsuits, Claims, and Actions

Where a lawsuit or other legal-type proceeding is brought against a University employee, student or agent that relates to the person’s work for or on behalf of the University, the University may defend and indemnify the individual if certain requirements are met. This means that the individual will not have to pay any of the expenses connected with the lawsuit, including legal fees and any claims for money, if these certain requirements are met.

To seek defense and indemnification, an individual should submit a written request to the Office of Risk Management immediately after learning that a claim has been brought against him or her. To do so, please see the instructions provided at the Risk Management site under “Claims: UW Employees.” This web site also explains the requirements for defense and indemnification.

An individual requesting defense and indemnification should send a copy of the request to his or her supervisor and to the Attorney General’s Division.

See University Handbook, Vol. II, Section 12-27.