The Attorney General's Office

Requests for Legal Services

The Attorney General’s Office has been statutorily designated to provide legal advice to the University and to initiate or defend lawsuits on behalf of the University. See RCW 28B.10.510. This division must handle all legal matters pertaining to the University. University Handbook, Vol. II, Section 12-27.

  • University personnel should not contact outside counsel concerning University business without prior consultation with the division.
  • Consultations and communications with members of the division should be in accordance with established procedures developed by University departments.
  • Coordination of requests for legal assistance helps ensure that requests are not duplicative or unnecessary.
  • Requests for legal assistance should provide sufficient background information, along with a proposed timeline for a response.
  • Requests directed to this division will be referred to the appropriate assistant attorney general.
  • Assistant attorneys general represent the University and are not available for personal consultation.


University of Washington
Attorney General’s Office
UW Box 359475
Seattle, WA 98195-9475

Phone: (206) 543-4150
Fax: (206) 543-0779

Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The Attorney General’s Office provides counsel to the University of Washington. We cannot provide individuals with personal legal advice. If you need personal legal advice and do not have an attorney, you may wish to go the Washington State Bar Association website for their assistance in getting a referral: