UW News

March 1, 2007

New funding opportunities available in research on aging

Two new funding opportunities are available for people interested in research on the process of aging. Both programs have a March 30 application deadline, and are open to people at or affiliated with the UW or Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC).

The Seattle Cancer and Aging Program, a coordination between the UW and the FHCRC, to is offering one-year awards of up to $40,000 for new pilot proposals on cancer and aging. Applications should address one of seven thematic areas: patterns of care; treatment efficacy and tolerance; effects of co-morbidity; prevention, risk assessment, and screening; psychosocial issues and medical effects; palliative and end-of-life care and pain relief; or the biology of aging and cancer. For more information and an application form, visit http://www.fhcrc.org/science/scap/.  

The UW’s Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging is funding pilot projects in basic research on the biology of aging. The one-year awards offer up to $35,000 per project. The application may be designed to rapidly pursue a new finding or research opportunity, or to obtain preliminary data that will serve as a basis for a major research grant application. More information and application instructions are available at http://www.uwaging.org under the link “Pilot Application.”