UW News

May 19, 2005

Post-genomic technologies applied to AIDS research

The Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), a joint project of the UW and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, will hold the first in a planned series of mini-symposia on Friday morning, May 27, in room 316 of South Campus Center.

“Post-Genomics Technologies Applied to AIDS Research” is the title for the first mini-symposium, hosted by Dr. James Mullins, director of the CFAR Genomics Core and UW professor of medicine and microbiology. Four speakers are scheduled: Dr. Cheryl Winkler of the National Cancer Institute on host cell genes involved in HIV disease outcome, Dr. Angelique van’t Wout of Sanguin in the Netherlands on microarray analysis of gene expression, and Dr. Ram Samudrala of the UW on biologic networks descovery, drug resistance and proteome systems integration.

The symposium is free, but participants are asked to register and space is limited. To register, e-mail Susan Mello at spmello@u.washington.edu.