UW News

April 7, 1999

UW student named 1999 Truman Scholar

Dawn Hewett, a University of Washington junior, was named today as one of 79 1999 Truman Scholars by the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation. The group of national Scholars were chosen on the basis of leadership potential, intellectual ability, and the likelihood of “making a difference.”

The Truman Scholarship Foundation, established by Congress in 1975 as the federal memorial to the thirty-third President of the United States, awards the $30,000 scholarships for college students to attend graduate school in preparation for careers in government or elsewhere in public service.

Hewett, a south Seattle resident, has a double major in international studies and political science and is a member of the University Honors Program. She expects to graduate from UW in June 2000 and attend graduate school for a master’s in public administration.

Hewett, 1997-98 president of the Associated Students of the University of Washington, told judges in her nomination form that she eventually wants to take her leadership skills to Latin America. The 22-year-old said she eventually wants to be in a position to influence either the U.S. aid policy toward Latin America or help with initiatives on education or alleviating poverty and discrimination.

Hewett and the other Scholars were selected from among 657 candidates nominated by 332 U.S. colleges and universities. Nominees must be in their junior year.

Truman Scholars receive priority admission and supplemental financial aid at some premier graduate institutions, leadership training, career and graduate school counseling, and special internship opportunities within the federal government. Recipients must be U.S. citizens, have outstanding leadership potential and communication skills, be in the top quarter of their class, and be committed to careers in government or the not-for-profit sector.

Scholarship recipients will receive their awards in a special ceremony in Excelsior Springs, Mo., on May 30.

Hewett was one of three UW students competing for the scholarship. Juniors Franklin Donahoe and Ryan Biava were finalists.

For a listing of the 1999 Scholars and more information on the Foundation, see www.truman.gov.