Board of Regents

May 31, 2016

June 2016 – Regular Meeting of Board of Regents

Thursday, June 9, 2016
11:45 a.m.
Petersen Room, Allen Library

To view an item, please click on the item number.

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call: Assistant Secretary Shelley Tennant
III. Confirm Agenda
IV. Public Comment Period
V. Board Items
Safety Update (Information only) B-1
Ana Mari Cauce, President
Approve FY 2017 Operating Budget and 2016-17 Tuition Rates (Action)
Sarah Norris Hall, Associate Vice Provost, Planning and Budgeting
Gerald J. Baldasty, Provost and Executive Vice President
Draft 6-Year Prioritized Capital Plan and State Capital Budget Request (Information only)
Paul Jenny, Senior Vice President, Planning and Management
Chris Malins, Associate Vice President, Treasury
Socially Responsible Investing at University of Washington and Peer Institutions (Information only)
Ana Mari Cauce, President
Gerald J. Baldasty, Provost and Executive Vice President
Ann Sarna, Associate Treasurer, Treasury Office
Scott Davies, Senior Investment Officer, Treasury Office
Simon Billenness, President, CSR Strategy Group
Transforming Administration Program (TAP) Update (Information only)
Gerald J. Baldasty, Provost and Executive Vice President
Ruth Johnston, Associate Vice President/Chief of Staff, Planning and Management
Regents Resolution of Appreciation
Pat Shanahan, Chair of Board of Regents
VI. Report of the Chair of the Board of Regents: Regent Shanahan
VII. Report of the University President: President Cauce
VIII. Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Meeting of May 12, 2016
Granting of Degrees for 2015-16 A-2
Approve UW Tacoma Change of Status:  Designation of the Institute of Technology from a Program to a School at the University of Washington Tacoma as a Collegiate-Level Unit Headed by a Dean
This item was pulled from the agenda.
Approve UW Tacoma Change of Status:  Designation of the Education Program from a Program to a School at the University of Washington Tacoma as a Collegiate-Level Unit Headed by a Dean
This item was pulled from the agenda.
Approve Services and Activities Fee – University of Washington, Tacoma:  Distribution of Fees, Allocation of Funds and SAF Guideline Revisions A-6
Approve Services and Activities Fee – University of Washington, Bothell: 2016-17 Distribution of Fees, including Fee Increase, and Allocation of Funds A-7
Approve Services and Activities Fee – University of Washington, Seattle:  2016-17 Reduction of Fees, Distribution of Fees, Allocation of Funds, and SAF Guidelines Revisions A-8
Approve 2016-17 Student Technology Fee Adjustment, University of Washington, Seattle A-9
Approve Intercollegiate Athletics Financial Stability Plan F-3
IX. Standing Committees
A. Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Regent Rice – Chair
Academic and Administrative Appointments (Action) A-1
Introduction of New Leadership:  Athletic Director (Information only) A-3
Provost Advisory Committee for Students (PACS) Recommendation and Budgeting Principles FY17-19 (Information only) A-10
Race and Equity Initiative Update (Information only) A-11
B. Finance and Asset Management Committee: Regent Jaech – Chair
UW One Capital Plan (Information only) F-1
2018 Campus Master Plan Update (Information only) F-2
Audit Advisory Committee Update (Information only) F-4
X. Reports to the Board

Faculty Senate Chair – Professor Norman Beauchamp

Student Leaders:

ASUW President – Mr. Tyler Wu

GPSS President – Mr. Alex Bolton

ASUW Tacoma President – Ms. Sophie Nop

ASUW Bothell President – Mr. Dom Juarez

Alumni Association President – Mr. Jeff Rochon

XI. Date for Next Regular Meeting:  Thursday, July 14, 2016
XII. Executive Sessions
(to discuss with legal counsel litigation or potential litigation as defined in RCW 42.30.110.)
(to review the performance of public employees.)
XIII. Adjourn