The following strategies summarize the University of Washington’s plan for engaging the broader UW community in the NASEM Action Collaborative.

  1. Embed the Action Collaborative findings and goals in ongoing/previously planned Title IX initiatives

    a. Title IX Steering Committee – the Steering Committee (appointed in 2015 and inclusive of senior/executive leaders across the UW) will review the Report of the Sexual Harassment of Women, be apprised of progress of the Title IX working committees (see below), and be encouraged to attend the Action Collaborative Summit in November 2019. UW Action Collaborative representatives will be invited to meet with the Steering Committee with the purpose of providing input to and engagement with Steering Committee priorities and strategies.

    b. Title IX Training & Education Working Committee – the committee will stay abreast of Action Collaborative findings, identified leading practices, and recommended action steps and will consider this information in fulfilling its charge to develop and deliver training and education to every member of the UW community.

    c. Title IX Policy Working Committee – the committee will review the recommendations in the Report on the Sexual Harassment of Women as well as new/developing policy issues and consider these findings and leading practices in fulfilling its charge to assess current UW policy and propose revisions or additions.

    d. Title IX Campus Climate Working Committee – the committee will review the findings from the Fall 2019 UW Campus Climate survey (sexual misconduct section) and make recommendations for actions steps to the Title IX Steering Committee, other working committees, and related groups that are informed by Action Collaborative findings and other leading practices.

  2. Direct engagement with University leaders
    a. Leading with inclusivity and promoting respect – a roundtable discussion will be facilitated with deans, chancellors, vice presidents, and Faculty Senate leadership to review the recommendations of the Report on the Sexual Harassment of Women, discuss the priorities of the Action Collaborative, learn more about the initiatives and programs already underway at the UW, and identify concrete ways each school/division can work towards increased inclusivity and respect in their programs over the next 12 – 18 months.

    b. Attending to culture and community — a workshop and toolkit will be developed for department chairs and/or program directors to assist these leaders in guiding their departments/programs through the challenges of providing support and continued access to work and learning environments for individuals (complainants, respondents, witnesses, and others) impacted by a Title IX investigation—both during and after an investigation.

  3. Prevention Working Group – UW advisory team
    A team of faculty, staff and students will be identified to provide input and expertise to Action Collaborative Prevention Working Group Representative, Elizabeth Umphress. Professor Umphress will convene and facilitate the team which will be selected to participate based on professional expertise and/or personal experience with issues of harassment and gender-based violence. The advisory team will assist in collecting current UW practices and resources, identifying promising practices, and providing perspective on Working Group initiatives and proposals.

  4. Engagement with the broader UW community
    a. UW Action Collaborative website — A webpage will be developed and launched to inform the UW community of the University’s work with the Action Collaborative and to offer opportunities for engagement and input.

    b. Focus groups — Focus groups and/or interviews will be conducted to solicit input and engagement from survivors and other more vulnerable University populations (people of color, people who identify as LGBTQ, and others). Individuals who identify with and/or directly serve or support the identified populations will inform process and communication related to this effort.

  5. Action Collaborative Summit
    The University of Washington will serve as site host for the Action Collaborative public summit in November 2019. Representatives from over 50 academic institutions across the U.S. will be in attendance, and as the host site, the UW has a unique opportunity to engage our local community in this work. Key University partners including the Title IX Steering Committee, Faculty Senate representatives, graduate and undergraduate student leaders, post docs, survivors/victims of harassment and violence, and University partners who are directly engaged in the delivery of services and resources will be encouraged to attend.

    Prior to the summit, links to the Report on the Sexual Harassment of Women will be provided to UW participants along with information about the goals and working groups of the Action Collaborative.

    After the summit a review and action planning open forum will be held to collect the input of UW participants and to discuss priorities for UW moving forward.

Every member of the Action Collaborative has developed an engagement plan for their institution. Check back for updates, details and opportunities to engage in UW-specific initiatives.