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For Staff and Faculty

There’s a lot of information on this website.  We’ve created an Academic Skills Reference Sheet to make it easier to identify relevant pages with your student.


Category Problem Website page
Time Management
Difficulty getting started Addressing Procrastination

Creating Accountability

Difficulty staying focused Setting Up Your Workstation

Taking Effective Breaks

Structuring Your Day

Derailed when problems occur What to Do When Things Go Wrong
Spends too much time on a single task or class Switching Between Tasks
Difficulty managing reading Reading Strategies
Difficulty getting to class on time Leaving on Time
Difficulty getting out of bed Leaving on Time
Student has fallen way behind in work Catching up when you’re behind
Doesn’t remember important dates Quarterly Planning
Doesn’t plan ahead for busy times in the quarter Quarterly Planning
Ineffective planning skills for when and how work will be completed day-to-day Short Term Planning

Planning Calendars

Doesn’t want to use a planner but open to using a digital calendar Short Term Planning

Using a Digital Calendar

Doesn’t want to use a planner or digital calendar Short Term Planning
Trouble managing big or long-term projects Tackling Big Projects
Plan for completing work is unrealistic Reality Testing Your Plan
Takes much longer than planned to complete tasks Reality Testing Your Plan
Symptom flare-ups regularly disrupt plans Planning Ahead For Flare-ups
Ineffective study strategies Study Smart
Unable to complete all the reading Reading Strategies
Unsure what to include in notes taken during class Note taking
Doesn’t find note taking accommodation(s) helpful Maximizing Note Taking Accommodations
Test Taking
Doesn’t know the material on the test well enough See studying section above
Has poor sleep (quantity, quality, consistency) Improve Your Sleep
Has test anxiety Test Anxiety
Difficulty reading or answering questions during the test Test Taking Strategies
Consistently runs out of time before completing the test When You Get Your Exam Back
Spends too long on specific questions Test Taking Strategies
Doesn’t know what went wrong on the test Complete a Test Autopsy found on the When You Get Your Exam Backpage
Doesn’t find test taking accommodation(s) helpful Maximizing Testing Accommodations
Note taking
Unsure what to include in notes taken during class Note taking
Doesn’t find note taking accommodation helpful Maximizing Note Taking Accommodations
Trouble managing all the reading Reading Strategies
Talking to Professors
Not sure how to talk with professors about accommodations Reasons to discuss accommodations

Talking about accommodations

Not sure how to talk about needs without disclosing diagnosis Should I talk about my diagnosis?
Coping with setbacks
Student has fallen way behind in work Catching up when you’re behind
Student gets derailed when problems occur What to Do When Things Go Wrong
Needs help planning ahead for symptom flare-ups Planning Ahead For Flare-ups