Assessment in the Majors
In 2021, the Assessment in the Majors project shifted to a new model of reporting through the Undergraduate Learning Assessment Inventory. OEA lengthened the reporting cycle and shifted the focus beyond learning and assessment in the majors to reporting on learning in non-major courses, many of which meet the University General Education requirements.
Historically, the Dean and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education asked departments to submit assessment reports on a bi-annual basis that included learning goals for undergraduate majors and assessment activities.
These reports allow the University to track assessment practices and resulting changes across the curriculum. The following documents summarize those reports.
Report on Undergraduate Learning Assessment, AY2020. A. Davis-Unger & S. Gehrke, OEA Report 21-01, 2021. (1,022K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2015-17, UW Bothell. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 15-09, 2015. (140K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2015-17, UW Seattle. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 15-08, 2015. (140K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2015-17, Overview. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 15-07, 2015. (140K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2013-15. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 13-02, 2013. (623K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2011-13. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 11-02, 2011. (711K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2009-11. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 09-04, 2009. (135K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2007-09. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 07-08, 2007. (141K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2004-06. C.H. Beyer and Cyndy Snyder, OEA Report 05-04, 2005. (91K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2002. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 03-01, 2003. (40K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2001. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 02-01, 2002. (644K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 2000. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 01-03, 2001. (661K PDF)
Assessment in the Majors, 1998 and 1999. C.H. Beyer, OEA Report 99-16, 1999. (573K PDF)
End-of-Program Assessment: 1997 Progress Report. L. Basson, OEA Report 97-04, 1997. (17,004K PDF)
End-of-Program Assessment: 1996 Annual Progress Report. L. Basson, OEA Report 96-05, 1996. (11,937K PDF)
End-of-Program Assessment Progress Report 1994: Findings and Changes. L. Basson, OEA Report 94-05, 1994. (5,275K PDF)
End-of-Program Assessment: Progress, Findings, and Effects. L. Basson, OEA Report 93-04, 1993. (7,115K PDF)