Document 61: Excerpt from James Cooper Diary

"Diary of James S. Cooper and Associates to the Klondike," Dawson City Museum, Yukon, Canada.
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Skagway, Alaska
August 16, 1897

Skagway a genuine mushroom mining town and a corker. Tents and packhorses in every direction. Garvin had located a lot. Last night a religious meeting held outdoors, singing and "experiences." A saloon tent opposite meeting, a dance every night at the dance house. A continuous string of outfits going up trail. Town part in light timber and part in clearing, great mountains on both sides; 28 feet of tide here. Fine cold spring water in plenty, meals in tent restaurants "4 bits," a number of stores in tents.

Freight rates over pass very high....The trail reported to be almost impassable, a number of accidents to horse and man. Many turning back much discouraged and closing out their outfits very cheap. Horses selling from $125 to $200. Many of the Klondykers are armed to the teeth, town very orderly, have seen no one under the influence of liquor so far. Good boats can be had for $5.00 and may lying around deserted as it is claimed it is impossible to pack them over the trail.

Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest