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B EE 200 Electric Circuits Lab (2)
The laboratory course of electrical engineering with selected laboratory experiments emphasizing measurement, analysis, and fundamental laws of electric circuits: including Ohm's law, KVL & KCL, superposition theorem, Thevenin & Norton theorem, phasor, frequency and s-domain analysis of RC, RL, and RLC circuits, system functions, and operational amplifiers. Co-requisite: B EE 233. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 215 or E E 215.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 200

B EE 215 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (4)
Introduction to electrical engineering. Basic circuit concepts. Mathematical models of components. Kirchhoff's laws. Resistors, sources, capacitors, inductors, and operational amplifiers. Solutions of first and second order linear differential equations associated with basic circuit forms. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in STMATH 125.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 215

B EE 233 Circuit Theory (4)
Electric circuit theory. Analysis of circuits with sinusoidal signals. Phasors, system functions, and complex frequency. Frequency response. Computer analysis of electrical circuits. Power and energy. Two port network theory. Co-requisite: B EE 200. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either B EE 215 or E E 215.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 233

B EE 235 Continuous Time Linear Systems (5)
Introduction to continuous time signal analysis. Basic signals including impulses, pulses, and unit steps. Periodic signals. Convolution of signals. Fourier series and transforms in discrete and continuous time. Computer laboratory. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 215 or E E 215; a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 122 or PHYS 122; a minimum grade of 2.0 in STMATH 207; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in CSS 132 or CSS 142, either of which may be taken concurrently.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 235

B EE 271 Digital Circuits and Systems (5)
Overview of digital computer systems. Digital logic, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits and logic design, programmable logic devices, and the design and operation of digital computers, including ALU, memory, and I/O. Weekly laboratories. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either CSS 132, CSS 142, CSE 121, CSE 122, or CSE 123.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 271

B EE 331 Devices and Circuits I (5)
Physics, characteristics, applications, analysis, and design of circuits using semiconductor diodes and field-effect transistors with an emphasis on large-signal behavior and digital logic circuits. Classroom concepts are reinforced through laboratory experiments and design exercises. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 200; a minimum grade of 2.0 in either B EE 233 or E E 233; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 271, which may be taken concurrently.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 331

B EE 332 Devices and Circuits II (5)
Examines the characteristics and models of bipolar and field-effect transistors, linear acircuit applications, including low and high frequency analysis of differential amplifiers, currents sources, gain stages and output stages, circuitry of op-amps, their configurations, stability and compensation. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 331 or E E 331.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 332

B EE 341 Discrete Time Linear Systems (5)
Discrete time signals and systems, impulse response, convolution, Z-transforms, discrete time Fourier analysis. Computer laboratory. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 200; a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 233; a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 235; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in STMATH 126.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 341

B EE 361 Applied Electromagnetics (5)
Introductory electromagnetic field theory and Maxwell's equations in integral and differential forms; uniform plane waves in linear media; boundary conditions and reflection and transmission of waves; guided waves; transmission lines and Smith chart; and electrostatics. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 200; a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 233; a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 235; a minimum grade of 2.0 in either STMATH 224 or MATH 224; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B PHYS 122
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 361

B EE 381 Introduction to Electric Power Generation (5) NSc, RSN
Reviews the design and operation of power plants for the generation of electric power. Covers thermodynamic principles of energy conversion, cycle analysis, combustion, nuclear and hydroelectric power, emerging energy technologies, plant economics, emission controls, and environmental impact. Prerequisite: STMATH 126 or MATH 126; and B PHYS 122. Offered: jointly with BST 381.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 381

B EE 417 Digital Communication (5)
Covers the basic principles and techniques of digital signal transmission and reception. Examines the process of converting analog signals to digital formats, explores various digital modulation schemes, analyzes the limitation imposed by noise on communication systems, and studies the design of optimum receivers. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 341; and STMATH 390, which may be taken concurrently.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 417

B EE 425 Microprocessor System Design (5)
Examines the specification, design of a microprocessor-based computer system that are dedicated to specific application. Covers low-level programing, memory systems, I/O and system debugging. Students design an embedded microprocessor system using computer-aided design tools. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 271; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 331.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 425

B EE 427 Introduction to Digital System Design Using Hardware Description Languages (5)
Modeling techniques with the Verilog hardware description language; methodologies for finite-state machine (FSM) design, register-transfer level (RTL) design, and datapath and control unit design; computer arithmetic algorithms; and fast arithmetic hardware architectures. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 271.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 427

B EE 433 Electronic Circuit Design (5)
Provides an understanding of modern analog solid-state circuit design techniques what are used for instrumentation purposes. Emphasizes design techniques using integrated circuits, particularly operational amplifiers. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 332 or E E 332.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 433

B EE 436 Biomedical Instrumentation I (5)
Introduction to the basic principles of medical electronic instruments. Covers biopotentials, biosignal amplifiers, electrical safety, the design of clinical electronics and FDA regulations. Students design biomedical signal measurement systems using analog and digital circuits and perform biomedical signal analysis. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 235 or E E 235; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 332 or E E 332.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 436

B EE 437 Biomedical Instrumentation II (5)
Introduction to the principles of measuring human vital signals such as blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Covers medical imaging techniques (CT, MRI, PET) and working principal of clinical ultrasound systems. Students design biomedical signal measurement systems and perform basic biomedical image and signal analysis. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 332 or E E 332.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 437

B EE 440 Electronic Test and Measurement (5)
Introduction to the principle of metrology and modern electronic testing and measurement. Topics covered include types of testing and design-for-testability techniques such as scan-path, boundary scan and built-in-self test. The understanding of theoretical concepts of testing related subjects are augmented through extensive lab projects using Verilog and Labview tools. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 271. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 440

B EE 442 Digital Signal Processing (5)
Examines methods and techniques of digital signal processing. Reviews sampling theorems, A/D and D/A converters, demodulation by quadrature sampling, Z-transform methods, linear shift-invariant systems, difference equations, signal flow graphs for digital networks, canonical forms, design of digital filters, practical considerations, IIR and FIR filters; and digital Fourier transforms and FFT techniques. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 341.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 442

B EE 445 Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing (5)
Introduction to digital image processing emphasizing image processing techniques, image filtering design and its applications. Topics include mathematical foundations for digital manipulation of images; image pre-processing; spatial and frequency-domain filtering, morphological transformations and segmentation. Theoretical foundations and practical applications. Computer Laboratory. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 235 or E E 235.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 445

B EE 447 Introduction to Control Systems (5)
Provides an introduction to analysis and design of control systems with applications ranging across electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical systems. Topics include system modeling, performance and stability analysis using root locus, Bode and Nyquist plots, and designs of PID and lead-lag compensators. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 200; a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 233; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 235.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 447

B EE 450 Introduction to Power Electronics (5)
Introduction to power electronics. Topics covered include characterization of power semiconductor devices, design of magnetic components and filters, analysis and design of ac-to-dc, dc-to-dc and dc-to-ac power converters. Applications in power supplies are presented. Theoretical concepts and analyses are augmented by simulations and lab projects. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 331 or E E 331.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 450

B EE 451 Introduction to MEMS (5)
Develops the basics for microelectromechanical devices (MEMS) including micro-actuators, micro-sensors, and micro-motors, principles of operation, different micromachining techniques (surface and bulk micromachining), IC-derived microfabrication techniques, thin-film technologies as they apply to MEMS. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 331 or E E 331; recommended: Fundamental circuit and electronic classes for EE major and design classes for CompE major
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 451

B EE 454 Introduction to RF and Microwave Engineering (5)
Theory of transmission lines and microwave network analysis techniques are sued to design passive microwave devices. Topics include operational properties of active microwave circuits, antennas, and electromagnetic waves. RF, microwave RADAR and remote sensing systems. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 331 or E E 331; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 361.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 454

B EE 455 Introduction to Electrical Machines and Drives (5)
Introduction to electrical machines and drives. Topics covered include principles and analyses of electromechanical systems including dc, synchronous and induction machines, both motors and generators. Control strategies for the different machine types are presented. Theoretical concepts are augmented by simulation tools and lab projects. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 200; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 233.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 455

B EE 457 Electrical/Power Electronic Systems in Renewable Energy (5)
Provides a quantitative and practical introduction to renewable energy electrical/power electronic systems. Emphasis on the fastest growing solar and wind technologies. Electrical/electronic architectures of other technologies such as hydroelectric power and electric vehicles are introduced. Energy storage technologies, such as battery technologies and their associated power electronics are discussed. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 331 or E E 331.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 457

B EE 477 Power System Fundamentals (5)
Basic power system analytical concepts, three-phase systems, impedance, steady-state network analysis, normalization, transmission lines, transformers, and synchronous machines. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 200; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 233.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 477

B EE 478 Power System Analysis (5)
Topics include the iteration and simulation techniques as well as the numerical solutions required to analyze power and energy systems; power flow; symmetrical components; and faulted system analysis and stability study. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 477.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 478

B EE 482 Semiconductor Devices (5)
Covers fundamentals of semiconductor theory: carrier diffusion and drift; concept of direct and indirect energy gap materials, effective mass of mobile carriers; device physics; homo- and heterojunctions, metal-semiconductor junction, bipolar transistor, and MOS transistors. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 332 or E E 332.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 482

B EE 484 Sensors and Sensor Systems (5)
Focuses on understanding a broad variety of sensor technologies and their application as systems in everyday use. Provides both a foundation to move into a particular area of sensor technology and also a means to apply appropriate sensors for particular applications. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 235 or E E 235; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 331 or E E 331.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 484

B EE 486 Fundamentals of Integrated Circuit Technology (5)
Introduces the fundamentals of IC technologies. Covers the microelectronic processing technology, including evaporation, sputtering, epitaxial growth, diffusion, ion implantation, oxidation, chemical vapor deposition, and photoresists. Introduces the design considerations for transistors, materials and process characterization, and future trends. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 331 or E E 331.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 486

B EE 490 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (1-5, max. 10)
Explores special topics in electrical engineering.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 490

B EE 495 Capstone Project in Electrical Engineering I (3)
First of a two-course sequence capstone design experience. Students design a system, component, or process with specific realistic design constraint such as cost, engineering standards, and social impact. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 of B EE 332, which may be taken concurrently; a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B ENGR 494 or CSS 371/B EE 371; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 425, which may be taken concurrently.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 495

B EE 496 Capstone Project in Electrical Engineering II (4)
Second of a two-course sequence capstone design experience. Individual or small-team project that is representative of the solution to an open-ended design problem in electrical engineering. May be undertaken as part of an industrial internship with direct supervision of the EE faculty and industrial sponsor. Includes many aspects of an industrial research and development product development lifecycle. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 495.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 496

B EE 498 Independent Study in Electrical Engineering (1-5, max. 10)
Independent study on a topic or area agreed upon by the instructor and student.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 498

B EE 499 Undergraduate Research in Electrical Engineering (1-5, max. 20)
Undergraduate research on a topic agreed upon by the instructor and student.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 499

B EE 503 DC Circuits and Applications (3)
DC circuit analysis using various circuit laws, theorems and methods. Topics covered: voltage-current characteristics of basic circuit elements; equivalent resistance of circuits; circuit analysis using Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws; Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits; superposition theorem; nod voltage and mesh current methods; transient response of first and second order circuits; and introduction to operational amplifiers. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 503

B EE 504 Device Electronics (3)
An introduction to characteristics and application of three electronic devices: diodes, field-effect and bipolar junction transistors. Topics include characteristics of the devices, small-signal and large-signal analyses. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 503. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 504

B EE 505 Digital Systems (3)
An introduction to methods and techniques for designing basic digital circuits and systems. Topics include: logic circuits and Verilog; circuit minimization using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps; combinational circuit design; multiplexers and decoders; latches and flip flops; registers and counters; sequential circuits; and implementation of digital circuits in an FPGA using Verilog. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 505

B EE 506 AC Circuits and Power (3)
An introduction to AC circuits and power systems. Topics covered include: analysis of circuits using phasors; power computations in ac circuits and frequency response of circuits; power transformers; synchronous generators; three-phase circuits; and Laplace transforms in circuit analysis. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 503. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 506

B EE 507 Signals and Systems (3)
An introduction to the mathematical representation, analysis and classification of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Topics covered include: time domain analysis of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems; Fourier Transform for continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems; digital filters; and introduction to Z-transform. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 503. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 507

B EE 508 Introduction to Embedded Systems (3)
An introduction to the embedded systems from a hardware and software perspective and how they interact to accomplish real-world tasks. Topics covered include: microprocessor organization; number systems and basic arithmetic operations for microprocessors; basic assembly and embedded C programming; memory, interrupt, and input/output peripheral interfaces; and microprocessor-based system design. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 503; and a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 505. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 508

B EE 509 Engineering Simulations (2)
Provides an introduction to simulations techniques to solve engineering problems. Industry standard simulation tools such as MATLAB, SPICE, and LabView are introduced and intensively used in simulating design and analysis from several disciplines of electrical engineering such as signal processing, circuit design, system fault analysis, and instrumentation interface.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 509

B EE 510 Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering (5)
Covers basic probability and random processes and their applications to engineering. Topics include probability concepts, random variables and vectors, expectations, moments, moment-generating and characteristic functions, random processes, auto-correlation, power spectral density, linear filtering of random signals, and introduction to estimation and detection.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 510

B EE 511 Signal Processing I (5)
Introduces basic digital signal processing techniques for analysis of systems and designing of digital filters. Topics include time-domain and frequency-domain analysis of discrete-time signals and systems, z-transforms; FFT; sampling and reconstruction; design of digital filters; and multi-rate signal processing.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 511

B EE 512 Signal Processing II (5)
Introduces statistical signal processing which deals with random signals, their modeling, characterization, and transformation to extract useful information about the underlying mechanism that generates them. Topics include: signal modeling; optimum filtering; linear prediction and estimation; spectrum estimation; and adaptive filtering. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 510; and a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 511.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 512

B EE 515 Digital Image Processing Applications (5)
Focuses on image processing techniques, image filtering design, and its applications to images acquired from various imaging techniques. Topics include spatial and frequency-domain image filtering, image reconstruction, image segmentation, color, and morphological transformation techniques, understanding and replicating methodologies from research papers. Computer Laboratory. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 510.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 515

B EE 517 Wireless Communications I (5)
Introduces fundamental principles of wireless communications. This course is the first of a two-course sequence. Topics include: digital modulation techniques; demodulation and detection of signals in Gaussian channels; principles of cellular communications; characteristics and modeling of wireless channels; bit-error-rate (BER) analysis of wireless system in flat-fading channels; and introduction to channel coding (Linear Block Codes). Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.7 in B EE 510.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 517

B EE 518 Wireless Communications II (5)
Studies underlying theories and practices of advanced techniques of modern wireless communications. This course is the second of a two-course sequence. Covers: Convolutional channel coding and decoding; Intersymbol Interference (ISI) and equalization; CDMA: capacity, data detection and rake receivers; diversity techniques; MIMO: principles, data detection, and capacity; OFDM: receiver architecture, data detection and analysis. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 517.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 518

B EE 520 Foundations of Machine Learning (5)
Concepts of machine learning algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning tasks. Linear models, decision trees, nearest neighbor, Gaussian mixture models, support vector machines, neural networks, gradient boosting models, Bayesian inferencing, interpretability of machine learning, dimensionality reduction and clustering. Assignments and class projects in a high-level programming language (Python) and cloud-computing platform.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 520

B EE 525 Embedded Systems Design (5)
Focuses on course design, testing, and validation of modern embedded systems and systems-on-silicon. Topics include introduction to embedded programming languages for hardware and software, designing with FPGA cores, real-time operating systems, and modern synthesis tools.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 525

B EE 526 Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems Design (5)
Focuses on debugging, validation and system integration of embedded systems and systems-on-silicon. Topics include design and validation of mission-critical hardware and software, performance optimization techniques and hardware-assisted debug and validation. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 525.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 526

B EE 527 Advanced Digital System Design with Reconfigurable Computing Platforms (5)
This course focuses on designing custom hardware using a reconfigurable computing platform. Topics include hardware description language, architectural methodologies, and simulation/synthesis techniques. Course projects provide hands-on experience implementing these skills.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 527

B EE 528 Computer Organization (5)
Introduction to computer organization. Assembly language; machine language; microarchitecture including single-cycle, multicycle, and pipelined processor architectures; memory systems; and input/output systems.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 528

B EE 531 Acoustical Engineering: Fundamentals (5)
Covers underlying physics of underwater acoustics and of medical ultrasound systems. Gives to students a means of estimating important ultrasound parameters using numerical simulations, algebraic techniques, and laboratory-based measurements. As part of their work students will design a basic ultrasound device
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 531

B EE 532 Acoustical Engineering: Medical Devices (5)
Analysis of advanced applications of diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound systems to brain and to peripheral tissue. Algebraic estimation of physical forces exerted by ultrasound and of associated biological responses. Literature review of ultrasound application to brain and peripheral tissue. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 531. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 532

B EE 533 Biomedical Devices and Instrumentation (5)
Introduction to biopotential signal; design and analysis of biomedical devices and instrumentation to acquire biosignal. FDA regulation consideration; introduction to medical imaging and signal processing including ultrasound imaging. Hardware design and simulations. There is a lab component in the class.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 533

B EE 542 Solar Cells (5)
Provides balanced study of various solar cell technologies by covering renewable energy resources, photovoltaic basics and systems, the state-of-the-art solar cell technologies, manufacturing advancement, and current engineering challenges. Also provides hands-on experience in solar cell fabrication and characterization.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 542

B EE 545 Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductors I (5)
Studies complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology by offering circuit analysis, fabrication technology, and characterizations. Introduction to the physics and characters of basic CMOS circuits, the fundamental fabrication technologies for CMOS-based integrated circuits, and measurement characterization for CMOS inverters.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 545

B EE 546 CMOS II (5)
Provides hands-on laboratory experience for fabrication and testing of CMOS transistors. CMOS inverters will be fabricated and tested. Various CMOS fabrication technologies and equipment will be used including a mask aligner, furnace, metal sputter, and spin-coater. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 545.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 546

B EE 550 Introduction to Power Electronics (5)
Introduction to power electronics. Topics covered include characterization of power semiconductor devices, design of magnetic components and filters, analysis and design of ac-to-dc, dc-to-dc and dc-to-ac power converters. Applications in power supplies are presented. Theoretical concepts and analyses are augmented by simulations and lab projects.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 550

B EE 551 Introduction to MEMS (5)
Develops the basics for microelectromechanical devices and systems including micro-actuators, micro-sensors, and micro-motors, principles of operation, different micromachining techniques (surface and bulk micromachining), IC-derived microfabrication techniques, thin-film technologies as they apply to MEMS.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 551

B EE 552 Biomedical Microsystems (5)
Develops multidisciplinary knowledge in microfabrication, sensor development, surface modification essential for designing and implementing biomedical devices and systems. Specific real-world systems will be fabricated, characterized and optimized. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 551.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 552

B EE 554 Planar RF and Microwave Engineering I: Passive Circuits and Networks (5)
Provides a project-based radio frequency (RF) and microwave engineering approach that allows students to design, build, and test various passive RF and microwave circuits on planar printed circuit boards (PCB's) and ceramic substrates. Transmission line theory and Smith charts are used along with network analysis techniques for designing planar passive RF and microwave circuits. Student designs will be tested on a vector network analyzer.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 554

B EE 555 Introduction to Electrical Machines and Drives (5)
Introduction to electrical machines and drives. Topics covered include principles and analyses of electromechanical systems including dc, synchronous and induction machines, both motors and generators. Control strategies for the different machine types are presented. Theoretical concepts are augmented by simulation tools and lab projects.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 555

B EE 557 Electrical/Power Electronic Systems in Renewable Energy (5)
The course provides in-depth coverage of the power electronics of a range of renewable technologies including solar, wind and hydroelectric. The power electronics for energy storage technologies utilized in renewable systems and for electric transportation systems are addressed. The course covers recent advances of control and management architectures and discusses them in the context of current renewable energy technologies. Recommended: degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 557

B EE 571 Power System Analysis (5)
Topics include the iteration and simulation techniques as well as the numerical solutions required to analyze and power and energy systems; power flow; symmetrical components; faulted system analysis; stability study; and computer usage to simulate large-scale power systems.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 571

B EE 572 Power System Operations (5)
Topics include: electric power grid and its operation in the United States; characteristics of generating units; power/load flow analysis; economic dispatch; unit commitment; optimal power flow; and introduction of renewable energy generation such as wind and solar energy and their integration into the grid. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 571.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 572

B EE 590 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (5, max. 15)
Address contemporary topics in electrical engineering focused on emerging methods and technologies, critical issues facing disciplines within and connected with trends in research, critical theory and/or other topics important to the field.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 590

B EE 599 Electrical Engineeering Graduate Seminar (1)
Examines current research and technological trends in electrical engineering and related fields of interest of UWB faculty. Faculty demonstrate how to lead a seminar session, followed by graduate students leading the seminar session in the following week and presenting their own research findings.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 599

B EE 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Graduate research on electrical engineering topics conducted under the direction of one or more instructors
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 600

B EE 601 Internship (1-10, max. 15)
Graduate internship under the supervision of an EE faculty member. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 601

B EE 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Graduate Research to prepare for and complete the requirements for a thesis defense. Credit/no-credit only.
View course details in MyPlan: B EE 700