Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
RHB PO 501 Prosthetics and Orthotics Skills (1)
Emphasizes the development of psychomotor skills for the application of contemporary technology uses. Practice and discussion of material and design theories related to durability, weight, and ease of fabrication to encourage problem-solving skills for independent practice. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
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RHB PO 502 Professional and Practice Issues (1)
Provides an overview of professional and practice issues in prosthetics and orthotics. Includes discussion of healthcare, policy, and systems; introduction to reimbursement, Medicare and Medicaid rules and regulations; practice management; bioethics; professional organizations; legislative issues; and medical ethics and compliance. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: RHB PO 502
RHB PO 511 Upper Limb Prosthetics I (4)
Covers upper limb prosthetics providing students with background knowledge of rehabilitation planning and principles of below elbow prosthetic management and prescription consideration. With direct patient contact, students assess and then formulate, implement, and evaluate a prosthetic treatment plan. Offered: A.
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RHB PO 512 Upper Limb Prosthetics II (4)
Integrates principles from upper limb prosthetics I, focusing on above-elbow prosthetic management. Encourages critical thinking and appropriate clinical decision-making through discussions and case study exercises that include body-powered, externally-powered, and hybrid systems. Offered: Sp.
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RHB PO 515 Upper Limb Orthotics (3)
Focuses on the integration of information acquired in previous foundational courses in anatomy and patient evaluation procedures with knowledge and skills of orthotic principles and theories related to upper limb orthotic interventions and patient management.
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RHB PO 521 Lower Limb Prosthetics and Orthotics I: Theory and Application (5)
Integrates prior core foundational knowledge (anatomy, kinesiology, medical science, gait analysis, patient evaluation procedures, and functional skills) with new knowledge of prosthetic and orthotic theory, patient evaluation, and clinical practice. Analyzes, evaluates, and synthesizes principles and theories in developing intervention plans for individuals with lower limb dysfunction or amputation. Offered: S.
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RHB PO 522 Lower Limb Prosthetics I: Clinical Practice (4)
Explains and applies biomechanical principles of prosthetic gait and alignment to treatment of individuals with amputations below the knee. Students develop individualized treatment plans that demonstrate analysis of client needs, application of transtibial socket design, prescription principles, and components. Integrates knowledge of available research and protocols into the planning process. Offered: S.
View course details in MyPlan: RHB PO 522
RHB PO 523 Lower Limb Orthotics I: Clinical Practice (4)
Utilizes patient evaluation skills and applies knowledge of pathology, anatomy, biomechanics, and orthotic theory and principles to evaluate and provide orthotic treatment plans for individuals with lower extremity dysfunction. Students refine professional skills and behavior and develop psychomotor and cognitive skills required for patient care. Offered: S.
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RHB PO 524 Lower Limb Prosthetics and Orthotics II: Theory and Application (5)
Integrates prior foundational knowledge acquired in RHB PO 521 with new knowledge and skills of prosthetic and orthotic theory and practice. Students actively analyze, evaluate, and synthesize principles and theories in the development of prosthetics/orthotics intervention plans for individuals with lower limb dysfunction or amputation. Prerequisite: RHB PO 521. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: RHB PO 524
RHB PO 525 Lower Limb Prosthetics II: Clinical Practice (3)
Includes advanced instruction in concepts and skills developed in Lower Limb Prosthetics I. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: RHB PO 525
RHB PO 526 Lower Limb Orthotics II: Clinical Practice (3)
Utilizes patient evaluation skills and applies knowledge of pathology, anatomy, biomechanics, and orthotic theory and principles to evaluate, develop, and provide orthotic treatment plans for individuals with lower extremity dysfunction. Students refine professional skills and behavior and develop psychomotor and cognitive skills required for patient care. Offered: A.
View course details in MyPlan: RHB PO 526
RHB PO 527 Pediatric Prosthetics and Orthotics (2)
Focuses on the integration of information from previous coursework focusing on specific pediatric medical conditions and interventions. Includes discussion of pathology/pathophysiology, etiology, clinical presentation, natural history, and surgical and medical management. Discusses implications of various medical interventions and their functional considerations based on the available literature. Offered: ASp.
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RHB PO 528 Lower Limb Prosthetics III: Theory and Application (5)
Develops individualized prosthetic treatment plans based on a comprehensive knowledge of prosthetic gait, alignment, transfemoral socket design, and component principles. Develops support treatment plans by integrating knowledge of available research and treatment protocols into the decision-making process. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: RHB PO 528
RHB PO 529 Lower Limb Prosthetics III: Clinical Practice (6)
Advanced instruction in application of biomechanical principles of prosthetic gait and alignment to treatment of individuals with amputations above the knee. Includes obtaining histories, assessing physical function, and taking residual limb impressions and measurements to prove prosthetic care. Offered: W.
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RHB PO 530 Lower Limb Orthotics III: Theory and Application (4)
Integrates knowledge and competencies from prior courses with new knowledge of orthotics management of the lower limb involving the knee and hip. Students acquire knowledge of components and design options for dysfunction of the hip and knee. Offered: WSp.
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RHB PO 531 Lower Limb Orthotics III: Clinical Practice (4)
Integrates prior knowledge of design principles, material science, and fabrication process; acquires knowledge of components and design options; and analyzes efficacy of orthotic treatment plans in achieving desired biomechanical goals and outcomes. Offered: WSp.
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RHB PO 532 Spinal Orthotics (5)
Integrates competencies gained from core foundational courses with additional theories and principles of orthotic management of spinal pathologies including scoliosis, trauma, and congenital and degenerative etiologies. Offered: Sp.
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RHB PO 533 Spinal Orthotics I (2)
Integrates prior knowledge (anatomy, physiology, patient evaluation skills) obtained in the foundational courses with knowledge and skills of orthotic theory and practice related to trauma and degenerative etiologies. Learning is achieved through lectures, discussion, and laboratory experiences. Offered: AWSp.
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RHB PO 534 Spinal Orthotics II (3)
Integrate prior knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and clinical evaluation with knowledge and skills of orthotic theory and practice related to scoliosis and kyphosis. Learning is achieved through lectures, discussion, and laboratory experiences.
View course details in MyPlan: RHB PO 534
RHB PO 541 Engineering Concepts (3)
Students are introduced to principles of mechanics, strength of materials, force analyses, fatigue, materials science and related topics that are relevant to prosthetic and orthotic device design. These concepts are applied to component failure and are relevant to the overall curriculum's laboratory and clinical work. Engineering concepts are discussed for application in future courses. Offered: Sp.
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RHB PO 561 Clinical Rotation I (2)
Students actively observe patient care, perform patient histories and evaluation procedures, and develop clinical patient care psychomotor skills under the guidance and mentorship of clinical preceptors. Offered: S.
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RHB PO 562 Clinical Rotation II (1)
Students actively observe patient care, perform patient histories and evaluation procedures, and develop clinical patient care psychomotor skills under the guidance and mentorship of clinical preceptors. Offered: A.
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RHB PO 563 Clinical Rotation III (1)
Students actively participate in the provision of prosthetics and orthotics treatment services and develop clinical patient care skills under the mentorship of clinical preceptors. Offered: W.
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RHB PO 564 Clinical Rotation IV (1)
Students actively participate in the provision of prosthetics and orthotics treatment services and refine clinical patient care, decision-making, and problem-solving skills under the mentorship of clinical preceptors. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: RHB PO 564
RHB PO 581 Outcome Measures for the Prosthetics and Orthotics Clinic (2)
Examines development and use of health-related outcome measures. Focuses on the relationship between measurement constructs and patient populations as well as psychometric properties. Students select, implement, and critically evaluate patient outcome measures. Offered: Sp.
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RHB PO 582 Critical Evaluation of the Prosthetics and Orthotics Literature (1)
Examines and applies appropriate methods of analyzing prosthetics/orthotics literature. Offered: A.
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RHB PO 583 Evidence Based Practice I (3)
Focuses on the use and critical evaluation of evidence to answer clinical problems. Encourages students to become consumer of evidence by developing an understanding of how to acquire and incorporate evidence into routine clinical practice. Offered: W.
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RHB PO 584 Evidence Based Practice II (3)
Covers developing a treatment plan based on theory, evidence, and experience; and proposing a quantitative and qualitative assessment strategy to evaluate the developed treatment. Encourages students to become consumers of evidence to answer clinically relevant questions. Offered: Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: RHB PO 584