Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
LABOR 295 Special Topics in Labor Studies (1-5, max. 15) SSc
Lecture, seminar, and/or team study. Topics vary. Recommended: HSTCMP 249/POL S 249/SOC 266 or HSTAA 353/LABOR 353. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 295
LABOR 329 Introduction to Capitalism (5) SSc
Defines and differentiates between capital and capitalism. Examines the evolution of the global capitalist system and the framework shaping our world today. Analyzes historical and contemporary links between capitalism's development and social and political processes. Covers events from the late nineteenth century to the present, emphasizing perspectives from history, economics, sociology, anthropology, and literature. Course overlaps with: BIS 330. Offered: jointly with CHID 329/JSIS B 329.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 329
LABOR 353 Class, Labor, and American Capitalism (5) SSc, DIV
History of workers and class formation from early industrialization to the present. Emphasizes the interaction of class with race, ethnicity, gender, and political culture within the context of American economic development. Explores the role of unions, labor politics, and radical movements. Offered: jointly with HSTAA 353; Sp.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 353
LABOR 360 Social Reproduction Theory and Radical Politics of Care (5) SSc
Develops critical understandings of the current neoliberal conditions shaping social reproduction and care including the many ways everyday life and slow death are sustained by intersecting systems of power and changing relations between and within the Global North and South. Offered: jointly with CHID 360/GWSS 360.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 360
LABOR 370 Race, Gender, and Class in the Global Economy: Asian and Latina Workers (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the lives and labor of Asian and Latina workers through structures of opportunity and inequality to examine how race and gender mark specific forms of labor as feminized and racialized, and thus precarious and devalued. Contextualizes social, political, and economic implications of colonialism and imperialism, economic restructuring, global capitalism, immigration policies, and welfare reform in the United States. Recommended: either AES 150, AES 151, POL S 249/HSTCMP 249/SOC 266, or HSTAA 353/LABOR 353. Offered: jointly with AES 370/GWSS 370; WSp.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 370
LABOR 395 Special Topics in Labor Studies (5) SSc
Topics vary and are announced in the preceding quarter. Recommended: HSTCMP 249/POL S 249/SOC 266 or HSTAA 353/LABOR 353. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 395
LABOR 480 Labor Studies Research (5, max. 10) SSc
Explores current and past research practices within labor studies across a variety of disciplines and methodologies. Requires a major project on a current labor studies issue. Offered: AWSp.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 480
LABOR 495 Special Topics in Labor Studies (5) SSc
Topics vary and are announced in the preceding quarter. Recommended: HSTCMP 249/POL S 249/SOC 266 or HSTAA 353/LABOR 353. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 495
LABOR 496 Labor Studies Internship (1-6, max. 12)
Experiential learning opportunities that connect undergraduate students at the University of Washington with the local labor movement, through partnerships with labor/community organizations. Provides students who are invested in labor and social justice advocacy with the opportunity to explore how organizations work to make systemic and community-level changes for the benefit of working people. Recommended: POL S 249/HSTCMP 249/SOC 266 or HSTAA 353. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 496
LABOR 499 Labor Studies Independent Study (1-5, max. 15)
Supervised independent study or research for students in the Labor Studies Minor, who wish to pursue topics not available in regular course offerings. Prerequisite: POL S 249/HSTCMP 249/SOC 266 or HSTAA 353. Offered: AWSpS.
View course details in MyPlan: LABOR 499