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UWRC Equipment Rental

The UWRC Office has a range of electronics and other equipment available for rent by students, including Mac and PC laptops, portable DVD players, digital cameras, projectors, camcorders, tripods and acoustic guitars. A €50 deposit is required, and is fully refundable upon return of the equipment in the same condition in which is was checked out.

  • Only UW Rome Center students enrolled in a UW or partner institution study abroad program are permitted to check out UWRC equipment.
  • Equipment will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis from the time the request was placed. The maximum check out period of equipment is five business days. It is possible to renew the equipment in the event that there is no waitlist.
  • You are fully responsible for the care, operation and safe return of all equipment, including all accessories such as cases, power/connectivity cables, etc., until it is returned to the UWRC Office.
  • Keep equipment in your physical possession at all times. Do not lend the equipment to classmates or friends while it is checked out under your name. Do not take equipment on trips or to other locations other than those specifically approved by the UWRC Office.
  • You are responsible for the full replacement cost or full repair cost in the event of loss or damage to the equipment and/or accessories while it is checked out in your name. This includes loss of the equipment due to any cause, including theft.
  • If equipment and/or any related accessories is/are lost or broken, please notify the UWRC staff parts immediately.
  • You are responsible for backing up any files that are created on laptop computers. Files left on the laptop will be deleted by UWRC staff upon return.

Other equipment available from the UWRC Office that does not require a deposit include power point remotes, laser pointers, camera card readers and movies.