Board of Regents

January 3, 2018

January 2018 – Academic and Student Affairs Committee

Regents Benoliel (Chair), Goddard, Riojas, Simon, Tamaki

Thursday, January 11, 2018
8:30 to 9:45 a.m.
Petersen Room, Allen Library

To view an item, please click on the item number.

Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting on November 9, 2017 COMMITTEE ACTION
1. Featured Student Experience
Jerry Baldasty
, Provost and Executive Vice President
Elizabeth Oestreich
, Master of Public Health Student, Institute for Public Health Genetics
2. Graduate and Professional Student Enrollment and “West Waiver” Program Updates (School of Law and School of Medicine only)
Jerry Baldasty, Provost and Executive Vice President
David Eaton, Dean and Vice Provost, Graduate School
Mathiew Le, Assistant Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid, School of Law
Paul Ramsey, CEO, UW Medicine and Dean of the School of Medicine
Carol Teitz, Associate Dean for Admissions, Office of Admissions, School of Medicine
3. Academic and Administrative Appointments
Jerry Baldasty
, Provost and Executive Vice President
4. Introduction of New Leadership:  Dean of the Information School
Jerry Baldasty
, Provost and Executive Vice President
Anind Dey
, Dean, Information School
5. Approve the Transfer of the Master of Health Administration Graduate Program from the Graduate School to the School of Public Health
Rebecca Aanerud, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Planning, The Graduate School
Shirley Beresford, Senior Associate Dean, School of Public Health
6. Student Conduct Code Update
Jill Lee
, Executive Director, Compliance Services
Ellen Taylor, Associate Vice President, Student Life
7. Other Business