Novel coronavirus information


March 22, 2021

Phase 3, extension of telework and new vaccine eligibility (Message to employees)

While the University of Washington is on spring break this week, there is still much activity taking place as our state moves forward in its phased recovery and we continue planning for the safe return to our campuses. We’re writing to today to provide you with updates in three key areas.

March 18, 2021

Consider lecture capture to enhance student learning (Message to instructors)

Student leaders have urged us to ask that all faculty consider using lecture capture in their classes, especially those that are lecture based. Given the difficulties that so many of our students are experiencing, we urge you to strongly consider using this technology where appropriate.

January 19, 2021

Spring quarter plans and returning to campus this fall (Message to Seattle employees)

In advance of the spring quarter time schedule being posted this Friday, we are writing to share the plans for the Seattle campus this spring, as well as our intent to return to in-person instruction this fall.

November 30, 2020

How instructors can support students’ well-being, and academic and career success (Message to Seattle campus instructors)

As the end of the quarter approaches, you may notice that some of your students are struggling emotionally or academically. The pandemic has brought on cognitive, social and economic burdens that so many of our students are carrying. You can help them by referring them to appropriate on-campus resources.

October 14, 2020

Most winter quarter courses to be offered remotely (Message to students)

We hope you’ve had a successful start to the academic year, regardless of where you are learning from. We know that having as much notice as possible is helpful to you in planning your academic path, so we are writing to give you an update on plans for winter quarter prior to the posting of the time schedule this Friday.

The UW’s plans for winter quarter (Message to faculty and staff)

We are writing to give you an update on plans for winter quarter in advance of the time schedule for winter being posted this Friday.

September 18, 2020

Preparing for autumn quarter (Message to instructors and staff)

With autumn quarter fast approaching, we want to thank each of you for working over the summer to prepare, from developing courses for remote instruction to readying residence halls and instructional spaces. Your contributions to each student’s Husky Experience are invaluable whether our students are learning online or in person.

September 14, 2020

UW students: Coronavirus testing for autumn quarter

Widespread testing – especially of people who aren’t experiencing symptoms – is one important way to protect you and your community from COVID-19, which is why the UW is launching the Husky Coronavirus Testing program.

Coronavirus testing for UW employees

Widespread testing – especially of people who aren’t experiencing symptoms – is one important way to protect you and your community from COVID-19, which is why the UW is launching the Husky Coronavirus Testing program.

August 25, 2020

Your back-to-school checklist (Message to Seattle campus students)

This message was sent to all incoming and current students at the University of Washington’s Seattle campus. Similar messages were sent to UW Bothell and UW Tacoma students from their campus leaders. Dear UW Student, First, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. As the University of Washington prepares for autumn…

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