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  • Status Page - known problems, features under development, and recent changes to Java Willow.

    Platform Issues Please Note that the Java applet version of Willow is in alpha-testing at this time. If you have trouble running this applet on your computer, please see Platform Issues for known problems and solutions. You may be interested in trying the Java Willow standalone application as well. You are encouraged to send any bugs, breakage-reports, comments, or suggestions to Production-quality access to UW-supported bibliographic databases is available through the UW Home Page.
    Recent Changes

    Multimedia Databases

    Willow UW Photos The UW Photo Collection contains information on both b&w and color slides of the University of Washington, including its buildings, vistas, major events, classrooms, and laboratories. The computerized file now numbers more than 100,000 images, with several hundred available for on-line viewing. Click the "Image Available" box to find records which contain photos. Some suggested search terms: Rainier, campus, library, snow.
    access from UW only Nursing & Allied Health 1982- Nursing & Allied Health provides coverage of the literature in nursing and 17 allied health disciplines. Over 1000 journals are regularly indexed. Updated monthly. Include the term "pdf" in your search to find records which contain hypertext links to the full-text of articles in Adobe Acrobat format.

    Library Catalogs

    Willow UW Libraries Catalog The catalog contains over 1.9 million titles held by more than 20 branches of the UW Libraries. Updated weekly. Include the terms "computer file and internet" in your search to find records which contain hypertext links to the online version of the catalogued item.
    Willow UW Law Library Catalog The catalog of the University of Washington Gallagher Law Library contains over 60,000 titles. Updated weekly.
    Willow Washington College & University Library Catalog - The Washington College & University Library Catalog is a union catalog of library holdings from the six public four-year colleges and universities in the state of Washington: Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, the Evergreen State College, Washington State University, Western Washington University, and the University of Washington. Updated monthly.
    Willow Center for Research Libraries (CRL) contains periodicals, foreign and domestic newspapers, archival materials, US Documents, foreign doctoral dissertations and a wide range of materials for International Studies.
    Willow MELVYL: U. of California Catalog Union catalog of the University of California library system and selected bibliographic data bases, as provided by the University of California Office of the President. Searches that get large result sets will be terminated by the server. Single word title searches are often a problem; try using more than one word. For periodicals or current materials, try using the Periodical or Ten Year file.
    Willow UC-MELVYL Periodicals Only Union catalog of the University of California library system and selected bibliographic data bases, as provided by the University of California Office of the President. Contains periodicals only. Searches that get large result sets will be terminated by the server.
    Willow UC-MELVYL Last 10 Years Only Union catalog of the University of California library system and selected bibliographic data bases, as provided by the University of California Office of the President. Contains the last ten years of MELVYL record. Searches that get large result sets will be terminated by the server.
    access from UW only OCLC WorldCat OCLC WorldCat consists of over 30 million catalog records and holdings information for material owned by libraries around the world, including books, journals, maps, sound recordings and other media, etc. Find out what your OCLC institution code means with the OCLC Participating Institutions List. Updated daily.

    Arts and Humanities Databases

    access from UW only Art Abstracts, 1984- Art Abstracts covers more than 250 international, English-language arts publications. Indexing dates from September 1984; Abstracts from Spring 1994. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, 1977- Indexes periodicals in architecture and related disciplines, including interior design, landscape architecture and urban planning. Updated daily.
    access from UW only Current Contents Search, 1996- Current Contents Search provides table of contents and indexed coverage of current issues of over 7,000 scholarly research journals and selected books in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. Updated weekly.
    access from UW only English Short Title Catalog, 1473-1800 ESTC provides records to books and other materials published prior to 1801 in Great Britain and its colonies, as well as to English-language publications printed elsewhere. Updated daily.
    access from UW only Expanded Academic Index, 1989- Indexing and abstracting for approximately 1,500 scholarly and general interest periodicals, covering major fields of study in the humanities, social sciences, and technology. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only MLA Bibliography 1963- MLA Bibliography indexes critical materials from journals, books, dissertations, etc., on literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore. Updated 10 times per year.
    access from UW only RILM: Music Abstracts, 1969- An international index to publications in music. All aspects of music are covered including historical musicology, ethnomusicology, instruments and voice, dance and music therapy. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only National Newspaper Index, 1989- The National Newspaper Index provides indexing of articles from 5 major newspapers: the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Russian Humanities/Social Sciences Index, 1990- Produced by the Russian Academy of Sciences. Indexes books, manuscripts, dissertations and more than 10,000 periodicals in the social sciences and humanities published in Russia and the Newly Independent States, Eastern Europe and other parts of the world. Updated bimonthly.

    Business and Law Databases

    access from UW only Business Index, 1989- The Business Index provides coverage of approximately 850 business, management and trade journals, plus indexing to the Wall Street Journal and much more. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Company Profiles The company profiles database contains brief descriptions, addresses and phone numbers, and additional information for over 175,000 U.S. public and private companies. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Current Contents Search, 1996- Current Contents Search provides table of contents and indexed coverage of current issues of over 7,000 scholarly research journals and selected books in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. Updated weekly.
    access from UW only EconLit, 1969- EconLit covers the international literature on economics including journal articles, books, dissertations, as well as articles in collective works such as conference proceedings and essay volumes. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only Expanded Academic Index, 1989- Indexing and abstracting for approximately 1,500 scholarly and general interest periodicals, covering major fields of study in the humanities, social sciences, and technology. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, 1985- The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals covers law of countries other than the United States, the British Isles, and the British Commonwealth. 1985 to the present. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only Legal Resource Index, 1980- The Legal Resource Index covers over 800 major English language legal journals and seven legal newspapers from 1980 forward. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only National Newspaper Index, 1989- The National Newspaper Index provides indexing of articles from 5 major newspapers: the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only PAIS: Public Affairs Information, 1972- Covers social and public policy literature from over 1,400 periodicals and thousands of government documents, books, and other sources. Updated monthly.

    General Reference Databases

    access from UW only Books in Print The Books in Print database is the most comprehensive source on the U. S. book publishing output. It includes books in print, out of print, and forthcoming in all subject areas. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Current Contents Search, 1996- Current Contents Search provides table of contents and indexed coverage of current issues of over 7,000 scholarly research journals and selected books in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. Updated weekly.
    access from UW only Expanded Academic Index, 1989- Indexing and abstracting for approximately 1,500 scholarly and general interest periodicals, covering major fields of study in the humanities, social sciences, and technology. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Grolier's Encyclopedia - Grolier's online edition of the Academic American Encyclopedia. It contains approximately 33,000 articles representing the full spectrum of general knowledge. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only National Newspaper Index, 1989- The National Newspaper Index provides indexing of articles from 5 major newspapers: the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only OCLC WorldCat OCLC WorldCat consists of over 30 million catalog records and holdings information for material owned by libraries around the world, including books, journals, maps, sound recordings and other media, etc. Find out what your OCLC institution code means with the OCLC Participating Institutions List. Updated daily.
    access from UW only Publishers Directory The Publishers Directory is a companion file to Books in Print and contains addresses, telephone numbers, and other contact information for the U.S. book publishing industry. Updated quarterly.

    Health Science Databases

    access from UW only MEDLINE: Biomedicine 1990- MEDLINE is one of the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic databases, containing references to over 3700 journals. Updated monthly; reloaded annually.
    access from UW only MEDLINE: Biomedicine 1985-89
    access from UW only MEDLINE: Biomedicine 1980-84
    access from UW only MEDLINE: Biomedicine 1975-79
    access from UW only MEDLINE: Biomedicine 1966-74
    access from UW only BIOSIS, 1991- The world's largest database in the life sciences, covers a wide range of topics, including ecology, zoology, botany, biotechnology, microbiology, and medicine. Updated weekly.
    access from UW only Current Contents Search, 1996- Current Contents Search provides table of contents and indexed coverage of current issues of over 7,000 scholarly research journals and selected books in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. Updated weekly.
    access from UW only HealthSTAR, 1990- One of the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic databases, providing access to the published literature of Health Services Technology, Administration, and Research.
    access from UW only HealthSTAR, 1975-1989
    access from UW only Life Sciences Collection, 1982- Indexes research literature in the biological, medical and agricultural sciences from over 5,500 journals, with selective coverage of books. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Nursing & Allied Health 1982- Nursing & Allied Health provides coverage of the literature in nursing and 17 allied health disciplines. Over 700 journals are regularly indexed. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only PsycINFO: Psychology, 1967- The PsycINFO database indexes and abstracts articles from over 1300 journals in the field of psychology. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Social Work Abstracts, 1977- is the primary index to journal articles published in the social work and social welfare field. Also included are selected dissertations. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only Sociofile, 1974- Contains journal article abstracts and citations for books, book reviews, conference papers, and dissertations published in Sociological Abstracts and SOPODA. Updated three times per year.

    Science Databases

    access from UW only AGRICOLA, 1970- Agricola covers over 3 million records covering every major agricultural subject. 1970 to the present. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, 1978- Index to world's literature on marine, brackish and freshwater environments. Also covers biology, ecology, and oceanography. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only BIOSIS, 1991- The world's largest database in the life sciences, covers a wide range of topics, including ecology, zoology, botany, biotechnology, microbiology, and medicine. Updated weekly.
    access from UW only Current Contents Search, 1996- Current Contents Search provides table of contents and indexed coverage of current issues of over 7,000 scholarly research journals and selected books in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. Updated weekly.
    access from UW only Expanded Academic Index, 1989- Indexing and abstracting for approximately 1,500 scholarly and general interest periodicals, covering major fields of study in the humanities, social sciences, and technology. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only GeoBase, 1980- An index to the international literature of geography, ecology, earth science and marine science. Current coverage includes articles from 3000 journals as well as books, maps, etc. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only GeoRef, 1785- The most comprehensive database covering earth science literature, including references to North American geology since 1785, and other areas of the world since 1933. Updated bi-monthly.
    access from UW only History of Science and Technology, 1975- Includes bibliographic access to ISIS Current Bibliography of the History of Science, 1975- and Current Bibliography in the History of Technology, 1987-. Updated annually.
    access from UW only INSPEC: Phys.Sci-EE-Computing, 1989- The INSPEC database indexes and abstracts articles from journals and conferences in the physical sciences, electrical engineering, and computer science. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only INSPEC: Phys.Sci-EE-Computing, 1980-1988
    access from UW only Life Sciences Collection, 1982- Indexes research literature in the biological, medical and agricultural sciences from over 5,500 journals, with selective coverage of books. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only National Newspaper Index, 1989- The National Newspaper Index provides indexing of articles from 5 major newspapers: the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. Updated monthly.

    Social Science Databases

    access from UW only Anthropological Literature, 1984- Indexes articles and essays in anthropology and related disciplines. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only Current Contents Search, 1996- Current Contents Search provides table of contents and indexed coverage of current issues of over 7,000 scholarly research journals and selected books in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. Updated weekly.
    access from UW only EconLit, 1969- EconLit covers the international literature on economics including journal articles, books, dissertations, as well as articles in collective works such as conference proceedings and essay volumes. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only ERIC, 1966- Educational Resources Information Center database. Indexes journal articles and documents in the field of education. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Expanded Academic Index, 1989- Indexing and abstracting for approximately 1,500 scholarly and general interest periodicals, covering major fields of study in the humanities, social sciences, and technology. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only GeoBase, 1980- An index to the international literature of geography, ecology, earth science and marine science. Current coverage includes articles from 3000 journals as well as books, maps, etc. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only History of Science and Technology, 1975- Includes bibliographic access to ISIS Current Bibliography of the History of Science, 1975- and Current Bibliography in the History of Technology, 1987-. Updated annually.
    access from UW only Legal Resource Index, 1980- The Legal Resource Index covers over 800 major English language legal journals and seven legal newspapers from 1980 forward. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Library Literature, 1985- Library Literature covers more than 200 library and information-science periodicals published internationally, and more than 600 books per year. December 1984 to the present. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only National Newspaper Index, 1989- The National Newspaper Index provides indexing of articles from 5 major newspapers: the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only PAIS: Public Affairs Information, 1972- Covers social and public policy literature from over 1,400 periodicals and thousands of government documents, books, and other sources. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only PsycINFO: Psychology, 1967- The PsycINFO database indexes and abstracts articles from over 1300 journals in the field of psychology. Updated monthly.
    access from UW only Russian Humanities/Social Sciences Index, 1990- Produced by the Russian Academy of Sciences. Indexes books, manuscripts, dissertations and more than 10,000 periodicals in the social sciences and humanities published in Russia and the Newly Independent States, Eastern Europe and other parts of the world. Updated bimonthly.
    access from UW only Social Work Abstracts, 1977- is the primary index to journal articles published in the social work and social welfare field. Also included are selected dissertations. Updated quarterly.
    access from UW only Sociofile, 1974- Contains journal article abstracts and citations for books, book reviews, conference papers, and dissertations published in Sociological Abstracts and SOPODA. Updated three times per year.

    Public Z39.50 Databases

    Willow Center for Research Libraries (CRL) contains periodicals, foreign and domestic newspapers, archival materials, US Documents, foreign doctoral dissertations and a wide range of materials for International Studies.
    Willow CIA World Factbook The CIA World Factbook provides information demographic, economic and political information for countries throughout the world. It is published by the Central Intelligence Agency.
    Willow Library of Congress Authorities Contains approximately 3.6 million Name Authority records. There are the standard forms of personal and corporate names used by catalogers throughout the country.
    Willow Library of Congress Catalog The Library of Congress Catalog lists the holdings of the Library of Congress. Its collection exceeds 16 million books and the library serves as the national library of the United States.
    Willow OCLC WorldCat (Subset) A sample database derived from OCLC WorldCat, a union catalog of holdings from OCLC member libraries..
    Willow SilverPlatter ERIC (Subset) A subset of the ERIC database. ERIC indexes articles and reports in over 830 journals and documents in the field of education including educational psychology, library science, early childhood, K-12 and higher education.
    Willow SilverPlatter Govt Printing Office (Subset) A subset of the Monthly Catalog which contains references to government reports, studies and other publications.
    Willow SilverPlatter MEDLINE (Subset) MEDLINE is one of the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic databases, containing references to over 3800 journals. It covers all aspects of biomedicine, including the allied health fields as well as the biological and physical sciences, humanities and information sciences as they relate to medicine and health care.
    Willow MELVYL: U. of California Catalog Union catalog of the University of California library system and selected bibliographic data bases, as provided by the University of California Office of the President. Searches that get large result sets will be terminated by the server. Single word title searches are often a problem; try using more than one word. For periodicals or current materials, try using the Periodical or Ten Year file.
    Willow UC-MELVYL Periodicals Only Union catalog of the University of California library system and selected bibliographic data bases, as provided by the University of California Office of the President. Contains periodicals only. Searches that get large result sets will be terminated by the server.
    Willow UC-MELVYL Last 10 Years Only Union catalog of the University of California library system and selected bibliographic data bases, as provided by the University of California Office of the President. Contains the last ten years of MELVYL record. Searches that get large result sets will be terminated by the server.
    Willow U. of Wisconsin-Madison Catalog The University of Wisconsin-Madison Catalog lists the holdings of the UW-Madison libraries. It includes books, periodicals, audiovisual items, computer files and music.

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