UW TechConnect

The TechConnect initiative is on hold.

TechConnect is a UW Information Technology (UW-IT) sponsored initiative that brings together staff throughout the IT community to explore, learn and connect. The TechConnect Advisory Board leads this initiative by following the guidelines in the TechConnect Advisory Board Charter.

The TechConnect series of events was created in response to a need identified by the UW Computing Directors and others for increased opportunities for the University’s information technology community to connect with each other, learn about key technology initiatives at the UW, explore emerging technology issues and share best practices. UW-IT, in partnership with the UW Computing Directors, agreed to support these engagement opportunities.

The initial purpose of the TechConnect Advisory Board was to serve as the planning committee to launch and support ongoing engagement opportunities. Board membership includes representation from across the University’s diverse IT community, in recognition that the forums could not be successful without that broad participation. Initial membership was solicited through an email to TechSupport in fall 2013.

The first event supported by the Board was the TechCaonnect Conference on March 25, 2014, which attracted 400 members of the University IT community to come together and participate in presentations, workshops and consulting/demo labs in the Odegaard Undergraduate Library & Learning Commons.

The Board then decided to build upon the success of that event by adopting the TechConnect brand to bring more focus and support to other existing activities, events and resources that provide opportunities for the University’s IT community to explore, learn and connect.